Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
I spent the best part of my afternoon talking to my dearest friend today, and one of the things I was left thinking about after we got off the phone was time. Without going into too many details, I mentioned something that has been coming up for me and mine: a feeling of "I should have done more with the time I was given/or the time that I had", largely in reference to lockdowns last year, but it sometimes feels like a lifelong 'regret'. Now it goes without saying that many people the world over experienced a disruption in the flow of time during 2020, but it also seems to me that time feels distinctively different coming out the other side. And what is that about really? How can we maybe use this to our advantage?
Something told me I should look back through my channeled messages today, and yeah it didn't take long before I came upon a transmission which I think is absolutely perfect for summing up the vibe today. So, I'm going to re-share it with you! I feel like this one may have gotten "lost in time" before, but hope that it can bring some enlightenment and inspiration to you now. Excerpt taken from original post made on 01/10/20: As an offering from spirit to each and every one of you out there, a message has been transmitted from a divine being who comes in on the purifying and clearing Violet Flame Ray. I called out to them energetically and when they arrived they stood behind my right side, and appeared as a very tall person. Their energy was balanced and sturdy, almost like an energetic librarian, and their aura radiated with various shades of purple, from almost bright fuchsia, to deep violet with flecks of lilac. After getting acquainted with this being, we begun our communication session, and a very curious message was transmitted indeed. Here is our full communication: Transcribed 01/09/2020 01:44:05 PM PST Me: Hello Lady Portia, Thank you for coming forward today, what will you have us know? Lady Portia: Greetings to you all I am lady Portia, the seeress over-see-ing the acceleration of all timelines in this universe. I’m here today to speak with all about the idea of divine timing and what that actually means. As you perceive it on earth, time passes second by second, building into minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, centuries, millennia. In actuality, and as we in spirit see it, time is as a radial disc, a circle, a loop, spinning round and round and radiating out with paths that look like rays bursting from the sun. As we see, and as part of you knows, time is ever-cycling, meaning we can easily go forward and back, jumping between timelines with ease. For you, as you experience human life, it may seem that the only way to do that is through history and books and films, yet I am here today to show you a new way of moving through time, which will help you on your healing journey, as you will be able to heal your soul in any time it may have previously experienced human life. The key to this lies in your imagination and ability to visualize the stories already carried within your coded DNA. Think again as you did when you were a child. What did you most imagine yourself doing? These memories and imaginings are signs which point to your soul mission on earth. By envisioning the stories of your soul with such vibrancy as a child, you will be re-writing the stories from past lives, re-wiring the time loop of your soul’s journey, and in doing so you will release density, traumas, and pain which you have been carrying at soul level. As you enter what looks like a new decade on earth, be aware that as a soul you are entering an entirely new frequency of existence. This is because you chose, as a soul, to come to earth during this wondrous period to experience this elevation and with it cast off the lingering dark attachments you’ve carried with you. It is likened to your own soul being reborn. All feels new, because all is truly anew. It is important to remember that your soul is in tune with divine timing, the great circle, whether you are aware of this or not. You are right where you should be. Release the need to control and embrace the ever-flowing current of divine time where all awaits you. I and many others are watching, loving, and supporting you. I am here to help you release time-anxiety, please call on me by name and ask for my help, I will surely assist you all. Blessings of love to you. Me: Thank you Lady Portia for speaking with us today. __________________________________________________________________________________ Time-anxiety yeah, that bit at the end really caught me this time around more than the first. Even when describing my re-interpretation of this message I can't get away from time, this radiant ever-cycling whirl which flows and flows and flows. Your time is not lost, not squandered, it is simply there, waiting for you to decide what to do with it. May this message find you in exactly the right moment, a synchronous sweet spot, encouraging you to explore with wonder the memories which you've created throughout time and space, memories that are stored safely within your DNA. You can jump in whenever you're ready. So what about now? Stay curious friends, -Cass Lucine
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Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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