Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Hello everyone and happy full moon in Pisces! This is the last full moon of the summer season and I hope y'all are as excited as I am to be surrounded by the goodness of this juicy Pisces energy today. If you saw my recent Instagram post, you'll know that I talked about waking up CRANKY in the last week or so (though this is a common thing that I've dealt with for years.) For the past two mornings I chose to meditate first thing after waking, in an effort to soften my mental space and center myself emotionally for the day ahead. Both days after meditating I had the impulse to go out and take a walk along the Columbia River where I live, and each day has been absolutely magical. I'm sharing this as a reminder to myself and anyone reading that our intuitive feelings are super important to balancing our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. By understanding how we sense psychic information, we can follow our own inner guidance in expansive and exciting directions. (ℂ𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝔸𝕣𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕥 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒 ℙ𝕤𝕪𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕔 𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘!) SO, what does that have to do with this Piscean Full Moon? You'll be glad to know that I have more to share on the matter! Today as I prepared to leave for a walk a little ping of an idea popped into my head: to grab my channeled message notebook and find a spot to sit along the river to channel. I grabbed the notebook that my mom gave me, which has a smiling sun printed on the cover with the words "Happy Thoughts" written beneath it, and headed out to the riverfront. I walked farther east along the river than I have yet, and I saw a bench that I wanted to sit at to write, but I walked passed that too. I wasn't really sure at the moment where I was heading to but I kept walking, admiring the small pockets of late summer blooms when I came across an old fisherman's bunkhouse. It was built in 1922, but now is used as office space, and I couldn't help but laugh when I looked at the buisness list! ![]() There's a chromotherapist in the building whose business is called the Merkaba Center for Healing, hello Metatron! As well as the a lawyer named Michael A.A, a little nod from the Archangel Michael as well. It goes to show that when you trust your inclinations, even if you don't know what they mean, you are sure to find magic in your midst.
Surrounding this bunkhouse were large bushes of yarrow and rosemary, and after asking if I may, I plucked a little bit of yarrow to hold onto while I channeled this week's message. I'm delighted to announce this message was brought forward by an ascended master I have channeled before: Master Hilarion. (Click on June 2016 and July 2015 in the archives to read Hilarion's other messages!) With that, let's dive into the wishy-washy cleansing goodness of this full moon message: August 26th, 2018 12:12 PM PST Cass Lucine: Thank you Master Hilarion for coming forward to share a message with us today, what is it that you'll have us know? Hilarion: Greetings and salutations dear ones I am Master Hilarion, Chohan of the 5th Ray of Truth, here to send you a transmission of healing light on this most wonderful day. The lunar light reaching you now is the light of the Virgo Sun, the glory of Gaia energy reflected from the surface of the Piscean Moon. The double-fish energy connecting to the Great Rivers of the world. Gaia is speaking to you through the moonlight which cascades toward Earth. Gently and strongly, she urges you to look at your own inner Pisces perspective. The double-fish must turn and swim together, following the flow of the Great River that is your life Journey. This is a gift to give yourself today, the gift of relaxation and water. You must relax and let the energy, your energy, flow where it must go. Look objectively at your life and allow the lunar light to illuminate where your fish may be trying to swim upriver. When you try to control the outcome of all that is, you are disrupting the natural flow of all that could be. The earthly light of the Virgo sun is transmitting photons of grounded, earthly energy to the moon. This photonic light then absorbs the watery energy of the Piscean moon, transmitting the muddy mixture of earth and water to you now. From all the mud in the world all plants have grown. This is an extremely potent time for you to plant new roots, plant new seeds, focus yourself in the direction of all you've ever dreamed of coming true. You are a Divine Alchemist. I am here to help you see the magic in all things and I love to help grant wishes. If you require my assistance, do please ask for it, and so shall it be done by me and all that is. Blessings to you all. CL: Thank you Hilarion for sending us this healing message. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alright y'all, straight from the master of universal truth themself, Hilarion's full moon message for us is: RELAX. You've been doing great work on yourself over the course of this summer, big things are happening in front of AND behind the scenes. Allow yourself a moment to bask in the peace of mind that the Pisces moon is offering you, and renew your trust and faith that all will work itself out, for the highest and greatest good of all involved. I am sending you all my biggest blessings, may you feel the love and support that surrounds you. Big fishy kisses to you, -C.Lucine P.S. If you enjoyed this week's message let me know! Comment here or on my Instagram post. Let me know what nice thing you are doing for yourself or someone else during this full moon.
Hello and happy 8 - 8 - 18 to each and every being on earth today!
The collective energy is abuzz today, and I can feel the churning of so many emotions pouring in and out of everyone! I'm feeling positively antsy today, and the sheer force of the palpable energy is making me feel quite irritated frankly. As it is Wednesday, the day ruled by Mercury, and as Mercury being a prominent energy in my natal chart, I am FEELING IT y'all. After the last full moon at the end of July I have been riding through currents of fiery, motivational and empowering energy. Complimented with moments of brief sadness, certain thought patterns have arisen to meet me, begging to be noticed, accepted and forgiven. It hasn't been an easy summer to say the very least, but it has been an absolutely beautiful one. I have been working hard this year on strengthening my psychic senses, most notably with clearing trauma away from and healing my third eye. I'm excited to report that I have begun to see angel lights more frequently, perceived aura colors a few times now, and mainly have been having incredibly vivid dreams! On Monday this week I saw a bright turquoise angel light in my room, and immediately heard the name Archangel Sandalphon in my mind. The last few days I have spent time connecting more deeply with Archangel Sandalphon, in meditation and prayer, preparing not only to channel, but for the Lion's gate energy peak as well. Sandalphon is talked about as being one of the only Archangels to ever be a human, along with Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon is the angel of earth, and works to keep the internal energies at the earth's core in balance and harmony. He connects to us through music and nature, communicating his energy in a very solid yet quiet way. Being in his presence is what I would imagine a mud bath might feel like, it's similar to the kind of calmness that comes from being in natural, mineral-filled hot springs. He radiates the colors of bronze, brown, and turquoise, and speaks in a slow sure way. Here is the powerful message delivered from Archangel Sandalphon today: August 8th, 2018 2:33 PM Cass Lucine: Archangel Sandalphon, what have you come forward to tell us today? Archangel Sandalphon: Blessings to you my dearest on this most joyous of days. Big things are arriving for you all today. This time has been heralded in many ancient texts as the time of the Great Reckoning, and though reckoning there shall be, I am here today my dear ones to bring comfort to your mind and peace to your heart, for the times of darkness and fear are leaving you. Your existence on earth is one of choice, and though many may look at this fact as painful or horrifying, in the light of the truth of God, this existence was chosen by you. Your purpose, dear one, is to overcome whatever these obstacles may be that are impeding your connection to the current of light, the flow of liquid-like love that is embedded, embodied, in your body. Your soul, as some say! The purpose of any and all suffering is the lesson that must be learned, which is the lesson of discovery of the true self- the non-self- for this, your inner truth, is one of complete belonging to all other things. You are but one fragment of a much larger whole. Imagine what you could do when you re-member, re-integrate, the knowledge that is your brilliance. To allow yourself to remember who YOU ARE, your divine I AM presence, one must find themselves silent in nature. You are the unification of heaven and earth, this is the reality of your human body. The earth made flesh, which is embedded with your divine spark! Now the time has come to claim yourself, as guardian of earth, as the caretaker of your body, and the earth's body, to usher in the higher energies of peace, compassion, serenity and divinity. It is through you that the celestial energy travels, through your actions this energy is shared with all others. This is your purpose. Abandon all which attempts to keep you from seeing yourself as you truly are, magnificent in your radiance. Highly vibrational angelic energy is available to you now, as the energy peak of lion's gate has activated energy crystals in the earth's core that have long been dormant. Dear beautiful one, open your heart today, allow the infinite joy of cosmic, photonic, liquid light energy to meet you now as you allow yourself to remember. I and all the angels are with you on this day. Bless you, bless you, bless you. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I myself was blown away by this intensely powerful message from Archangel Sandalphon today. WE ARE inherently: good, beautiful, powerful, valuable, important, deserving, lovable, worth it, enough, valid, just the way that WE ARE. With all that is going on in life, in the world, in the cosmos at this time, the most helpful thing that you can do is to start with what YOU need in order to thrive. This is the core of the message of this intensely powerful eclipse period of 2018: Remember who YOU ARE. I am here and so are you, may we continue forward in love. With all the space you need, and equally as much love, -C. Lucine Hello to you my friend and Happy August! We are officially moving through the Leo season. How has everything been going for you? I personally am feeling some much needed fire in my soul after the emotional healing that took place throughout Cancer season this year. Anyone else out there feeling like HEALING was their theme for the beginning of the season? We are well on our way towards the last eclipse of this year which will occur on August 11th in the sign of LEO. This last eclipse will be a partial solar eclipse that will be slightly visible from North and East Europe, North and West Asia, North in North America and the Arctic. For more information regarding the eclipse and possible viewing locations, check out this website: This eclipse occurs on a new supermoon in Leo which will be conjunct the Sun, Mercury, and the asteroid Pallas-Athena. Talk about a seriously amplified eclipse season finale! More on that to come. For now, we are in approach of the peak of the Lion's Gate Portal, which occurs on 8/8/2018. This portal opens yearly, as the Sun and Moon align with star Sirius, creating a chasm of energy. This event is a cosmic energetic doorway which is allows highly vibrational energy to flow to Earth during the portal's open period. Check out this crop circle that appeared last week on the full moon It is at this time that I would like to share with you the message that I have channeled today, as a opportunity to tune in with what is happening in our galaxy at this time, so that we may feel more grounded and connected as we head towards the 8/8 peak. The message I have channeled today comes to us from the planet JUPITER. Now, I wasn't sure exactly how this would go, as I have not directly asked a planetary body to communicate a message this way before! I was pleasantly surprised however to connect with Jupiter's ascended aspect, which presented itself as a giant, cheerful man with reddish-brown hair. His appearance reminded me of the ghost of Christmas present from the Muppet Christmas Carol! His aura was a mix of chartreuse, goldenrod, marigold and violet, and he brought with him the smell of bergamot, clove, orange peels and vanilla. I instantly felt at ease in his presence, like a gently crackling fire appeared in the fireplace, and I was cozied up and ready to channel. Without further introductions, here is our celestial message: Thursday August 2nd, 12:44 PM Cass Lucine: Jupiter what have you come to share with us all today? Jupiter: AH yes hello my dear ones it is I Jupiter, but I will have you call me Ichel. Yes there are a great many things I wish to speak with you about so let's hop right into it! (Laughter) Yes I have been sent here today to further discuss the Lion's Heart energy with you, as this part of your Earth year is extremely important. There is so much energy that many of you are aware of, and many many more are beginning to tune in. You may be feeling overwhelmed with thoughts about how to process, understand, feel it all at once. I am here to remind you today that this is simply not necessary, in a logical/analytical sense, for all these energies are already a part OF you! Simply put, what is happening is that this knowledge, the knowledge of the transference of energy, is being remembered by all, what was in darkness is coming into light, and though it is overwhelming this process is simply about acknowledgement and integration. Your only job dear ones is to have compassion, for yourself and others, as all are remembering in their own way and in their own time. However, the upcoming annual Lion's Gate portal opening will be sending a sort of burst or flash-like wave of fifth dimensional light to Terra, anchoring in the new frequency through Gaia, Terra's ascended aspect. This means that the heart of your mother earth will begin holding 5th dimensional frequency, rather than transmuting lower energy into 5th dimensional and higher frequencies. Think of it as a power source in your Earth Center that is catching fire after lifetimes of slumber. She awakens and so shall you. This inherently will cause dimensional shifts to your physical body. You will notice that you aren't able to exist quite the same way any longer. Food will affect you differently, water intake will be increased, sleep habits changing. Be gentle with yourself dear ones, for you are so very precious. Allow your soul its own divinely perfect timing, and release your worries, for you are carried always. This I will leave you with for now, and one last jovial message of love: Remember and assert your I AM presence. You are a child of God. You are divine. May you continue on in the light of love. Cass Lucine: Thank you Ichel for this incredible perspective. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alright y'all, you read it, channeled straight from the jolly giant Jupiter himself. It is high time that we stand confidently in our skin, tap deep down into our own lion hearts, and ROAR our truth out load with honesty, integrity, and love. I believe in you, you've GOT this! Take care of yourself sweet friend. Sending huge warm hugs, -C.Lucine |
Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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