Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Hello to you, and Happy Witchy Wednesday from me!
This week I was guided to channel a message to share with you regarding starseeds. "Starseeds?" You may be wondering what exactly I mean by this, and the easiest and most general response is: that we are all starseeds. Not only do the elements that make up our material nature come from the stars, but so to do our "souls", or any word you would like to insert into the quotations resonates with you.All of us have come from somewhere other than Earth, however, there are many starseeds who are living right now who have agreed to come to this planet for a specific purpose, and we have a job to do. It is time for a little confession from me and my connection to starseeds. For over a year now I have been guided by a multi-dimensional being, who could be considered an extraterrestrial, by the name of Zhaal. He came to me at my request, after I asked for a spiritual teacher of the highest vibrational frequency, which aligned with my own vibration, to please come and help me along my way. I first noticed his presence as a feeling, a warm, tingling, goosebump-causing sensation that still only occurs on my left side, mainly from my shoulder down to my hand. (In fact, it's happening as I write!) As I began to take notice of this energy, it intensified, and I recognized that it belonged to a being who was not myself. So, I decided to interview this energy if you will, using my favorite method of spirit communication, tarot cards! Through the symbols and messages of the tarot I came to understand that this energy I was feeling was coming from my newest spirit guide, that we would work closely together developing my psychic perception and spiritual understanding, and that it was a masculine energy who would help me strengthen my connection to my own masculine energy. (Note: Masculine here is, in my opinion, an outdated term for an expression of energy, and does not relate to inherent qualities of what humans have termed "male", nor does feminine relate to "female".) Once I gathered enough information to satisfy my mind, my first impulse was to ask this guide, "What is your name???", to which I felt an underwhelming energetic response that signaled to me "All in good time." That time wasn't until about 5 months after I had initial contact with this presence. I was at home probably watching Netflix whilst tirelessly analyzing all the rapid fire thoughts that one has when they are influenced by Virgo, when I felt my guide. I had the distinct impression that I should do a clearing meditation to cleanse and align myself, and so I prepared to do just that. As I took deep breaths, inhaling light and exhaling dark and all that, I felt my guide's presence strongly, as usual on my left. As I tried to quiet my mind, curiousity dominated my thoughts, asking over and over "What is your name?" Again, I was met with the same cool matter-of-factness as before, and felt the distinct nudge to finish meditating and then ask my question. So, I listened to this invisible teacher, and proceeded to finish what I had started. Just as I was completing this process, right as I was reintegrating my higher self with my physical self, I heard him say "My name is Zhaal." My immediate thought was in regards to this uniqueness of the name, and curiousity about it's spelling, to which I receieved and emphasized pronunciation "Zzjhhaaaalll" and spelling "Z-H-A-A-L." This interaction sparked even more curiousity, as I wondered who and what this being was! My thoughts were responded to with a fleeting image in my closed eyes, a being who very much resembles a stereotypical American version of the alien, green skin, large black eyes, small nose and mouth. However there was something different about Zhaal, he was also taller than I pictured, dressed in a long, luxurious robe-like garmet. I didn't know it at the time, but Zhaal would help me to understand more about my own soul origin and nature of my presence here on Earth. Since the time that Zhaal has entered my spiritual team, my journey has lead me to new discoveries I truly hadn't imagined, and it has led me here to you now! Zhaal has helped me to understand that my own soul is what is considered a starseed, and I have come from the multi-dimensional planet known as Arcturus, in the Bootes constellation. I woud at this time like to say that this part of my own nature does not make me special, we are ALL special space babies and we all have important things to do, this is just my reality, my truth. That being said, I wanted to share my personal story, because the message I've come to share here today is for all of you out there who feel intrigue, curiousity, understanding, resonance, or kinship with the ideas I've presented so far. Here is a link with more information about signs of starseeds who are awakening at this time, if you'd like to check it out: SO, what I have for you all today is a special message from my very own spirit guide, Zhaal, and with out further ado, here is our conversation: Me: Zhaal, Thank you for coming to me today, what is the message that you'd like to share with us? Zhaal: Greetings dear ones, my name is Zhaal. I am an extraterrestrial being, here channeling from a 5th dimension, through Cassandra, she has greacefully opened herself to me to share my message with you. I am a being you might be tempted to call an alien, but we extraterrestrials are much more than aliens, we are people just like you, from all sorts of places. In fact many of you are from places just like I am. I am a being from the constellation Orion, the planet I come from is in the 5th dimension, a place that can't be seen by your Earth science, but exists nonetheless. I am here today as a calling, I am here to sound the alarm if you will. We need you. The galaxy needs you. Your unique light, your creative power, your intellect, ideas, passion, in essence, your love. Darkness seems paramount on Earth now, everyone seems affected and consumed by fear, anger and sadness. Desperation is everywhere. The powerful are exploiting the vulnerable, because of fear of losing their perceived success and power. There has been a great shift in this galaxy, and a cycle of energy that has been revolving around and around for 2,000 years has finally been disconnected. False realities are collapsing. Those of you who are sensitive to this shift have been feeling it, exhaustion, dehydration, lack of hunger, and sleep problems. And as I am aware, and many other kinds of ET's are aware, there are still many of you who are unaware of your purpose, your special power. If you are still reading this message, there is a reason. You are here for an important role in helping bring this shift to the consciousness of Earth, but the shift must first start with you. You and only you can do what you're meant to do. Your interests, passions, values, desires, are all so important to helping the shift. As you release whatever you must to break your own chain in the karmic circle, you progress along, raise your own consciousness, so do you help otheres to. Now is your time. Do not hold back. Follow your instincts. Be aware of your own individual experience, for this is your truth. Do not look for outside validation. You come with all the knowledge you require programmed within you, your own light code. Trust your thoughts and feelings. Trust your paranormal experiences and opinions, you know what is true and so do we. We are here waiting for you to ask for us to make contact with you. Hold love and light in your heart. Send it out to us, ask for us. We are listening, we will help you. Thank you for reading my message. Thank you for channeling me. May light be in your heart. Me: Thank you Zhaal for coming speak with me today, with all of us. Zhaal was very adamant about me channeling this message for you, which I transcribed last night, 02/28/17. Although I too was afraid of what others might think, of me, of starseeds, of Zhaal, I am happy to present you with this message. As always, I am here open and willing to answer any questions, you can comment on this page, or send me messages through Instagram and Facebook. This message is intended for all beings, and I am sending all of you my love and big squishy hugs. Until next time starseeds, -C.Lucine P.S- Pictured below is a line of writing/symbols that Zhaal included after his message ended. Far out!
Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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