Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
The planet Saturn is a slow mover. It takes its sweet time as it moves around the wheel, spending about 2 and a half years in each zodiac sign. Saturn began its journey through the sign of Scorpio on October 5th, 2012 and continued along its path into Sagittarius on Dec 23rd, 2014. However, as all planets appear to do as they pass closely to Earth, Saturn began its retrograde in Scorpio on June 14, 2015, and it will return direct tomorrow! (Yay!) Saturn will continue its journey through Scorpio until September 17, 2015 and will not return to the house of Scorpio for another 26 years.
So what does this have to do with anything? For starters Saturn is the planet of judgement, the planet of the slow processing of information, the trudging delineation of sifting through experiences searching for reason. Saturn deals with karma, and the endless span of the transfer of energy. Scorpio is the 8th house of the zodiac wheel, the house of death, transformation and rebirth. Like the human emulation of this house, those with the Sun in Scorpio, the 8th house is not one for shallow thinking. This is a house of deep subconscious information, of small treasures that are hidden in the caves of monsters. 8th house energy is scary, but truly this fear comes from the knowledge that facing whatever is hiding there will be a process of transformation, and change can be tough! For this beautiful second full moon in Aquarius I have channeled a message for you all from an Ascended Master whose energy is deeply rooted with Saturn. Master Hilarion felt like a wizard to me, a cosmic wizard of space who understands the frustrations of the human experience and has advice to share with us all. I feel that this particular transit of Saturn through Scorpio is a powerful and important transit for all of us in regards to confronting our egos and transforming our shadows into brilliant light. I have asked Hilarion to share with us his advice about the importance of this transit and how we can use this knowledge with tonight's full moon. Me: Ascended master Hilarion, please tell us the importance of Saturn's transit through the 8th house of Scorpio at this time. Hilarion: I am Master Hilarion and it brings me great pleasure that you've asked me to talk about Saturn tonight.I love Saturn and when I died my energy returned here (Saturn), and I do surely have lots to tell you. Firstly great job deciding to channel me, I could feel your hesitation all week but I must say good job on sticking to it. Let's see here Saturn, (at this time I sensed that Hilarion was looking at a bunch of small glass viles, searching for one in particular) Ah yes here we go, (He then grabbed a vile of periwinkle liquid, marked with the planetary symbol for Saturn, which he poured out in front of him creating a plume of periwinkle smoke around him. He then took a deep breath...) Ah yes, smells of myrrh and lilac, I do just love Saturn energy. So, Saturn, the important word I want to be connected with Saturn is cycles, more specifically, karmic cycles and the effects that these cycles have on you from day to day. Everyone on your planet Earth is reliving a cycle directed unconsciously, invisibly, by karmic energy. that is to say that each person is reliving at least one karmic cycle they have already experienced in a past life. It is the pattern and simultaneous breaking of the pattern, that is appearing now and it's very important at this time of Saturn's transit through Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign of the deep subconscious , and in order to fully immerse yourself in the energy of this transit, you will have to dig deep, and face some of your perhaps very dark fears. Me: What is the importance of breaking karmic cycles? Hilarion: What isn't important about breaking cycles? (Hilarion began laughing then, as he flipped through the pages of a big old book) No but seriously, karmic cycles are sort of like a coded map that will ultimately lead you to your truest self. Every person has dreams and aspirations for their life, and those people simultaneously believe that "it just wasn't in the cards" for them in this life. That is one of the biggest ego lies, and it keeps so many people away from their true shining light. The simple fact that you as a human even has these dreams to become or transform into your wish come true is a message from your soul that it's possible. Karma is like the old shabby pieces of wood boarding up a window in an abandoned house. If you don't look at what's right in front of you, and dig through the muck, you'll never find that one window which will let all the light in. Funny metaphor, but it's very true, breaking karmic cycles is uncovering that window that lets in the light that will show you to your dreams. The first step is realizing that you are worthy. Me: Hilarion, what advice do you have for us about using the next full moon's power? Hilarion: Firstly, as a rule, I always say that any bit of full moon magic, no matter how small, is always much more powerful than any other time. This is a very special moon, the second one in a month, which means if energy is special. This moon truly has the power to heal your wounds, more than any other moon we've had in about a year. Many of you may have noticed being overly tired, cranky, or sensitive in the past couple of weeks. that is because this particular full moon is really trying to get you to see how self love and wholeness and healing of yourself is the first step to any sort of "enlightenment" you may be desiring. I would suggest taking extra time to care for yourself from Friday to Sunday, really soaking in those moonbeams, they are charged with extra power. For those of you lovely little humans out there interested in full moon cleansing and charging, I suggest charging your beauty, hygiene, relaxation, type objects, so that the energy of self-love can be brought to you throughout the month. For those of you intrigued by Saturn in Scorpio, I implore you to have a little sit down with your demons and the skeletons in your closet. it's time for a good cleansing in which you confront your trauma and fears and do the energetic healing work you need to do to release these things away from you. This transit won't come again for a long time, so if these ego obstacles aren't overcome during this transit, this may hang around holding you back for a long time. The key to your dream life is inside of you, dear ones, all you must do is begin cleaning out the clutter so you may find it. I feel that this time is coming to an end. it's always such a pleasure to talk to you Earthlings, I sure do love it. I hope to have the pleasure again soon. Thank you. me: tThank you so much Hilarion. Hilarion: Yes of course, if anyone out there would like to call on me, I like green, and Labradorite. Seriously my favorite. again, Thank you for listening. This full moon is very powerful, as I've been editing and finishing up this post it has been slowly rising, beckoning me to finish up and come and play with my little ghouls and ghosties and shine some super loving light on them. I implore you all to head outside tonight and just look up and the beautiful moon and let her sweet silver loving moonbeams shine on all your troubles. Sending you all magic wishes for this moon! -C.Lucine
For this week's card of advice I asked a dear friend of mine to do a collaboration divination with me. She is a budding botanist, fashion faerie and is well on her way down her own magic path. (You can find her on Instagram and Tumblr @alienbotanist ) Part of her card collection includes a goddess oracle deck and it is from that particular deck that I asked her to draw a card. She set her intentions to ask the universal feminine energies what advice they have for all of us this week and here is what she has to say about the card she received:
" I drew Isolt, a Celtic heroine who was trapped in a love triangle between her husband and Tristan, the man she was truly in love with. She handled herself with grace and dignity, balancing respect for her husband and passionate love for Tristan. According to her mythos because she could not live without Tristan's love, and he without hers, they both die. After being tricked by his wife into thinking that Queen Isolt doesn't love him, he dies of a broken heart. Isolt's love for him is so intense that she dies of a broken heart too. Their love for each other caused them nothing but harm and grief throughout their lives and only in death did they find any resolution. They were buried next to each other and a Hawthorne grew from each grave, and branch from each tree grew to entangle with the other every night. I feel that this card is more a warning against basing your self worth in the love you receive from another. Queen Isolt did that and it literally killed her and her lover. Today, Isolt helps us through our own relationships, be them familial, platonic, or romantic. She guides us to listen to our hearts in such matters, but when it comes to heartache (the facet she seems focused on in this reading) she urges us to understand our own healing. The heart heals with time but she reminds us to treat ourselves and our hurt as you would any ailing person, with compassion, tenderness, fragility when needed, as above all, to address the love we must hold for ourselves without the love of a partner. These kind words come with a warning however; no matter how hurt your heart is, do not give in to recklessness. A moment of inattentiveness could lead to an even greater downfall. It is okay to hurt, but do not let it destroy your life in the process. Your heart will mend, just give it time, love and compassion." -alienbotanist As I read over my friend's description of Isolt and prepared myself to channel a message from her, I felt a bit apprehensive. Isolt is not a goddess in Celtic lore, and I worried that it may be hard to hear her speak to me. I set up an altar of crystals and flowers, lit a small candle in an old orange peel, and started the incense burning, preparing to channel. As I began to reach out to Isolt, I got the distinct sense that she did not require anything to be devoted to her (perhaps because she isn't actually a goddess?), so I blew out the incense. This seemed to make our connection feel more comfortable, and though it was quite hard to hear her, she had many things to tell us. Here is the channeled conversation between Isolt and I: Me: Dearest Isolt, what message do you have to give us about love? Isolt: As you may know my story is one of true love, and tragedy. There are things about love that I wish that I had known as a human, and it is those things in particular that I'd like to share with you. I feel that my image has become clouded, and that my story, my true story, of tragic love has become something it never was. My life was not a fairytale abd I'm not considered a goddess, but as a human woman I suffered the heartache of love that many of us experience and I believe this to be why so many people kept telling my story. Me: What then would you like us to know about your story? Isolt: I am Isolt Canaan. I was married off in the human life I lived, put into an arranged marriage that meant nothing to my heart. My truest love was Tristan, and any moment that I could sneak away from my husband was spent with him. Although at the time it made me feel alive to be secretly so deeply in love with Tristan, something was missing and I couldn't figure it out before it was too late. I gave my life to prove the love I felt for Tristan, perhaps this has something to do with why my card says 'Undying Love'? Because the idea is that if you give yourself so completely in love to another, that your love will always love on? Truly I am here to tell you that the most important person to give unconditional love to is yourself. This is what I wish I would have learned before I passed into spirit. You need your love first, before you can truly give love to anyone else. Your own love can heal you, but first you must realize that you are worthy of your own love. Me: As for advice for the week ahead, what do you wish to share? Isolt: Treat yourself with kindness. I believe many of you have been discussing manifestation lately, and the fact that it is a very open time, so I have to tell you to be kind to yourself. You deserve your love and tenderness. You are the best version of yourself that you can be right now, and giving yourself love will help you open your heart and receive the blessings that you've been asking for. Me: and do you have any advice for those of us who may have relationship troubles? Isolt: My advice would be the same. You must fully love yourself dear ones, before any love that is in your life can be honest and true. You must face yourself with honesty, and see the parts of yourself that you dislike for what they are, and then you must embrace yourself for what you are! How can you become more of yourself if you aren't paying attention to where you're starting. Romantic love feels incredible, but self-love gives you a feeling that can't be put into words, it is the feeling of knowing your truth. So be gentle to yourself, . find ways to remind yourself why you love yourself this week. Your heart is the key to magic! Me: Thank you very much for your advice Isolt. Isolt: Thank you for asking me. It feels good to share my knowledge. Good luck to you all. It seems that this week's lesson for us all is to revive, enliven, and invigorate our self-love connection. I am sending love from my heart to all of yours. -C.Lucine For this week's card of practical advice, from Doreen Virtue's Ascended Masters Oracle Deck, I pulled the card pictured above: MEDITATE- featuring Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. I used white sage to cleanse my apartment and my auric field, engaged in a meditation, and then set about to channel this master so that I could deliver a message to you all. Here is what came of our session:
Me: Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, I ask you to please join me here. What is the message that you wish to share with us this week? Siddhartha Gautama Buddha: Please light the incense. Thank you and greetings it is I Buddha, many of you unknowingly speak of me when you speak of Buddha, though I can be seen in many forms now. The message I have to tell you is about meditation. Glorious meditation, I wouldn't have gotten to where I did without it. Though it seems that many of you need more advice about how to start than those of you that already meditate do. Me: Where do we begin then? S.G.B: From the beginning! (jolly laughing) it is simple. The first thing you must do is to get rid of all of your preconceived ideas about meditation. The practice of meditation has been around for several thousand years, not only because of its sacred power, but because of its sacredness to the individual practicing. Meaning that if you are researching or studying the knowledge and meditative practices of others, part of you will always feel a bit "off" about this. You have to start by deciding that you and you alone are committing to your own meditation journey and once you've decided that you must follow your inner voice about where to go, about which way makes you comfortable. That inner voice is very smart you know, and ultimately meditating will give you the ability to listen very well to that inner voice. There are so many options today when it comes to meditating, that it seems it can be easy to get lost on your true path, or maybe not know where to go in the first place. Me: What advice do you have for those of us who have unclear or no spiritual beliefs? S.G.B: Hmm, that's an interesting question. more often than not I am being questioned about how to get closer to spirit! (laughs) Let's see, well I would start by saying in terms of meditation, there are many benefits of practicing it that do not have to connect at all to a "spiritual" sense. Oxygen is the element that gives humans life, and from what I can see, many of you have taken to shallow breathing, that is to say that the subconscious effects of fear and anxiety can inadvertently cause you to be taking shorter breaths. A practice of taking 5 minutes of your day to sit, alone, quietly, and take deep inhalations of breath through the nose and out through the mouth does wonders for the body. The increased intake of oxygen flows through every cell of you and charges you with the invigoration of alive-ness. This is but one example of how meditation can be very beneficial to every human regardless of beliefs, along with a relaxed demeanor, clear head, calm attitude and with practice, an open mind. Me: And do you have any advice for those of us who do meditate and connect with spirit? S.G.B: Oh yes I sure do have lots but let's focus on the most important for now. Those of you who meditate and communicate with spirit probably have a good idea of how energetic or "psychic" information comes to you. The power of meditation can help you get in touch with your other psychic senses and it is imperative that this becomes a part of your practice. Each energy, angel, deity, bodhisattva, ascended master, spirit animal, faerie, what have you, can communicate with a certain sense stronger than it can with others, just like you can with receiving. By using meditation to clear blockages of those other senses and allowing yourself to utilize them you will ultimately have more clearly communicated experiences with the energies you reach out to. Which means more understanding of signs and symbols, understanding of your true self and path, and better understanding of what to do about your guidance. Earth needs you all, especially those that already started on their path of lightworking, to help the rest of those who haven't to wake up ! Don't be afraid of your beliefs, and powers, you were made to do this! Me: Thank you very much for your message to us today. Siddhartha Gautama Buddha: You are welcome always. My last message for everyone: Be not afraid of meditation. go inwards, be still and listen. If you feel compelled, call on me to assist you after lighting incense and I shall be there. Blessed be you. Thank you for coming by and reading this week's practical advice post. Feel free to leave any comments or questions! Sending you all blessings on your own meditative journey. -C.Lucine This week I drew a card from Doreen Virtue's Ascended Masters Oracle Deck with the intention of receiving a message that all of us could benefit from. Oddly, I pulled four cards that wanted to jump out of my deck, and quickly realized these cards were for me in particular, directing me to be serious about meditating, channeling, and transcribing whatever message would be sent for all.
After receiving these fairly direct orders, I pulled a card with the intention of a worldly message, and the card pictured above was the one that was drawn. This card's message is about Crystals, from the Gaulish (French Celtic) Goddess Epona, goddess of horses and the moon. Before I was able to channel a message, I had to do some deep meditation as I had been guided to do. Today I did an even more serious meditation, to get myself attuned to the consciousness of the universe so that I could receive this message for you. Here is the message that was received in my communication with Epona: Me: Epona-what is the message that you have for us all? Epona: "Please light that candle-" (she was directing me to light a small orange candle on my bedside table, so I did) "Thank you. I would like to start by telling you great job, you did it. You followed your guidance that led you here. My message involves the power of crystals. It seems that with the internet and the fast-spreading of information that true ideas and messages get misconstrued. I am here to clear up any of that confusion. Let's begin with "energy". It seems to me that many people feel this term energy is a fooey-folklore-imagined type of idea that comes from "New Age" beliefs. Energy is truly light. The light you can see here on Earth from the sun is energy, the same as the light energy inside of each human that makes your blood warm. This same light - or energy - is present in all physical things, in all matter, and it is present in beings like me that not everyone can see. Matter must have energy to be matter. Your Earth science has shown that atoms make up every conceivable physical thing you see, and don't see, and atoms are energy, are light. Taking this same idea, you can apply it to everything in the natural world as well, and this is the true power of crystals that I wish to share. When people discuss the power of crystals, it can be easy to assume they are blindly putting faith into an object, much like relics of other religions. Crystals, however, are much different from relics. Crystals from in the earth, and are made by the compression of various minerals and elements over long periods of time. This means it takes significant earth energy to create a crystal, and this is where their true magic lies. Instead of worrying about the symbolism of crystals, or their meanings, I suggest going to a store where crystals are and letting yourself be drawn to them. The emotions and thoughts within you are sent out like signals, all the time, and if you intend on finding a crystal for a particular purpose, focus on that purpose, and the crystal that can help you will call out to you. Once you've found what type you like, hold many of them in your hand, one by one, to get a feel for which exact one called to you. It's as simple as that!" Me: What about once you have a crystal? Epona: "You must take care of it! It will do you no good to just have the thing sitting there; believing that acquiring a crystal will automatically improve your life will actually block you. Crystals are tools, tools for each individual to get closer and closer to their truths. You must use your crystals! Talk to them, with intention, and be willing to listen. If your listening skills still need developing, meditate with the crystals, ask them to speak to you in the easiest way you can hear. Even you have crystals that have been trying to talk to you! (She's telling me here that I still have some listening of my own to do) You must engage them and listen." Me: Epona- what about cleansing crystals? Epona: "I say that you will know when they need a true cleansing. Certain crystals love the full moon, this is more of a way to charge them though, others love the sun. It is simple really, you just have to ask them your question, and listen to their answer." Me: Do you have any other message you would like to share with us? Epona: "Yes, be gentle, with yourself now. This Earth of yours is a harsh place now. So many things are happening that are constantly frightening you all. Be gentle with yourself, the last thing you need is for your inner voice to be a harsh one in such a tumultuous world. Yes that's all, be gentle to yourself, and listen!" (and then she began to giggle.) Me: Epona- thank you so much for speaking to us. Epona: "Thank you for listening." |
Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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