Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Hello to all y'all magickal beings out there and happy Friday evening from Oregon, USA! After spending a lovely 4 days with my family in Las Vegas, NV, I am home once again, and oh so happy to be back on the Oregon coast. This trip was unlike any I've spent with my family before, namely because I got to spend holiday time with my younger sister and her son, my 2 year old nephew. Babies change your brain ya'll. I am still covered in toddler-magick dust and it feels like waking from a long dream, except this time it feels like waking up into vivid present-moment-awareness for what feels like the first time in my adult life. I feel incredibly blessed that I got to spend time bonding with my nephew, and perhaps the greatest blessing is that through observing his innocent wonderment and joy for pretty much everything, I feel like a kid again. Each day there are an infinite number of amazing things to be grateful for, to be witnessed, to be appreciated, and to feel blessed by. Watching a child shows you how effortless it once was for you to find joy in everything around you, and reminds you that you can still experience this feeling, if you choose to. Yesterday was a holiday here in the U.S. and I spent much of my day at work, though in my mind I was reflecting upon how incredibly happy and grateful I feel. In this time of reckoning the collective consciousness is beginning to see the light of truth which has been evaded by those in power. The smoke is blowing away, the mirrors are crashing down, and the lies are being revealed, so that we may face the atrocities committed under the power of colonialism and patriarchal rule, so that we may work to pay back the debt owed from what was taken. I decided yesterday that instead of trying to put into words the complexity I was reflecting upon, I wanted to channel a message for us all as an offering from the cosmos. So I drew a card from the Keepers of the Light deck by Kyle Gray with this intention in mind. I was a bit surprised and excited when finally a card popped out of the deck while I shuffled. I had never channeled this energy before, but as the transmission unfolded I realized the synchronicity in their coming forward to share a message. When I first connected with this energy, I felt the presence of a very tall (nearly 7 ft) feminine person, with long, long black hair which covered their face. They wore a dress which almost look like a long-sleeved night dress, that pulsated with lilac hues which deepened into violet and indigo. I asked in my mind why I couldn't see their face, to which I received the response "it matters not what I look like", and with that, we began our session. The energy which I channeled is that of Shekinah, pronounced Sheh-kee-nah, and this is their message: Transcribed on 11/28/19 at 4:01:04 PM PST _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Me: Shekinah, Thank you for coming forward to share a message with us today. What will you have us know? Shekinah: Greetings dearest ones my name is Shekinah and I am here today to share a great message with you all. I am Shekinah, the one who knows, and I have had your planet in my care for sometime. I am with you today and always to guide and encourage you to listen with the ears of your eternal self. Now, these ears are not your physical ones atop your head, these ears I speak of are what you call the chakras of your body. These centers are like your physical ears, for they listen and receive the sounds of spirit which are too quiet for you to physically hear. It is through your chakras or vortices that you both receive and emit vibrational frequencies, which many of you are unawares of. Today I come to you to help you remember the union between your body and soul, so that you may no longer question the continuation of the energy, the soul, that is you, and so that you may have gratitude for the body, which does not continue on, but which acts as a humble vessel for your essence. Dear one my words are your initiation into awakened living, and from here forward you shall begin to hear with the ears of your soul. Those of you who have already awakened to your true essence must hold the light and have patience for those who are joining your ranks every day. They too are learning as you once learned and if you can remain as a pillar of compassion and non-judgment you will find that you can learn from them as well. It is my wish to all on earth today and all days that each individual may realize the light of their brilliance and take it within their heart to help this light shine through and others. I am always here at a moment's notice to help you with this task, call my name and I shall appear. Many blessings of love to all. Me: Thank you Shekinah for speaking with us today. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After finishing this transmission, I read Kyle Gray's description of Shekinah's card in his deck guidebook. There it is mentioned that Shekinah is the divine feminine frequency counterpart to the Holy Spirit, and that this energy is here to help all see that the truth of God is more than we have previously understood. I realized as I read this description that this is why Shekinah did not show me their face, as it is more of an essence than an entity. It is my hope that this message finds you well and helps to awaken within you the awareness of your eternal self. Just as Shekinah expressed, our bodies do not continue on the way our soul does, and the sooner we can see how great the blessing of our life is, the sooner we can focus on helping others become aware of their own awesome light. Sending you illumination and love, -Cass Lucine
Greetings and salutations friends, it is officially Sagittarius season, as the sun moved into the 9th sign of the zodiac at 6:58 AM PST today. Normally I am all about Scorpio season, my natal moon sign is in Scorpio, and I love diving into the depths of my emotions, but y'all I was not ready for the Mercury retrograde period in this sign. For all of us, this period has dredged up what was sitting in the dark recesses of our minds, forcing us to face the monsters we try to keep hidden there. Mercury connects to how we think, receive, process, and communicate information. Having a retrograde occur in the sign of Scorpio means that we, on some level, are being asked to review and consider how we think and talk about the Scorpionic themes of power, sexuality, and death. Now I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I was absolutely not taught how to talk openly and constructively about these subjects, let alone given adequate information which would help educate me on how to deal with these topics when they arose in life. The beautiful thing though about being an adult human capable of educating oneself is that now I can seek out the information I was never given, and make my own mind up about the world, and so too can you dear friend. At the core of this recent retrograde period I feel there was a gift given to all of us: the opportunity to release all thoughts, words, and ways of communicating which do not align with our core truth. I am not surprised in the slightest which being of light came forward to share a message with us for the end of this heavy transit. Yesterday when I decided to meditate before work, I chose to listen to a quick alignment meditation on YouTube. Within moments of beginning the video, I felt this spirit arrive and knew that they wanted to channel a message through me. After finishing the meditation I was told to go stand in the sunshine, allowing the light to fill my aura. As I did this, the most beautiful salmon orange color filled my vision, and I felt the spirit come closer, telling me to draw a card from the Keepers of Light Oracle Deck. I shuffled the cards with my eyes closed, and after a few rounds, a card flew out and I had to fumble to keep from dropping it. When I turned the card over, I could only laugh at myself for not trusting the information I received from this spirit about their identity. Here is the card that I drew: Here is the message that Mary Magdalene came forward to share with us yesterday: Transcribed on 11/21/19 at 3:41:11 PM PST ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Me: Mary Magdalene, thank you for stepping forward to speak with us today. What will you have us know? Mary Magdalene: Greetings to you all dearest ones, I am Mary Magdalene, seeress of ascension, the overseer of the implementation of the Divine Feminine frequency into the grid of Gaia. I am here today to commend all of those who have worked to embrace their shadow during the recent dark period on Earth. Do not fear, for this darkness I speak of belongs to the void, the great blackness from which all creation comes. This period was imperative to all lightworkers on Gaia at this time, for all were forced to confront the depths of the darkness within the body in order for it to be held in the light of love and transmuted through releasing it. I too know this darkness well, for when I was a human on earth I was forced to face it within myself in order to awaken to the mission I had agreed to fulfill there before I was born. You too have made such an agreement dear one, and this is why you are here to read this message. Burn away all lingering fear and doubt which seeks to distract you from your true light. Dearest one you are more powerful than you know, and a blazing heart is needed from you now. Allow your fire to burn dears, stoke the passionate flame within you, Focus now only on that which makes your flame grow larger. Your light is a beacon to all others who resonate with it, and it will help not only light your path ahead, but will light the paths of many others. Trust that this is your souls mission and allow yourself to accomplish it. We are all watching, guiding, and supporting you, and are always ready at a moments notice to help you, all you must do is ask. Me: Thank you Mary Magdalene for that beautiful message. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There you have it y'all, as we enter this Sagittarius season, a sign ruled by the element of fire, let the embers of your heart burn bright. Many of us are heading into holiday season, a time of year filled with mixed emotions of joy, and stress, and heartache, and love. Keep your head on straight (which should be easier now that Mercury has stationed direct!) and keep your heart open. Remember that a loving heart is a strength, and that you have the power to be lovingly assertive with your boundaries and needs. Whatever comes your way in the next month, don't forget how much you've learned about yourself so far, and that someone is always looking up to you for inspiration. May the brightness of your heartfire reveal the path ahead and light the way for others. Sending you a spark, -Cass Lucine |
Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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