Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Hello dear friends far and wide, happy Friday the 13th from the Oregon Coast! What a time to be alive! We are currently in a seriously transformative new moon in Cancer period coupled with a solar eclipse. I am riding through some deep waves of change myself, as eager and excited as ever to share my experiences with all of you! For this special moon time I have channeled a divine message for you from the gracious and powerful Mary Magdalene. A fellow lightworker Amanda Ellis has been connecting with Mary Magdalene's energy lately, as she gears up to teach a course which helps students to work with Mary's energy. (Link to Amanda Ellis' Facebook/Youtube channel below). It actually came as a complete surprise to me that just a day after watching Amanda connect with Mary Magdalene, she came forward to me, asking that I transcribe her message at the new moon time. Mary Magdalene appeared to me on the beach yesterday. Before I knew who she was I saw a beautiful egg shaped magenta orb floating just above the crashing waves. I have recently started utilizing my third eye to perceive psychic energy clairvoyantly, and because it has been such a long journey for me, I honestly didn't believe what I was seeing at first. I told myself to get up (as I was sitting on the sand letting the waves course over me), and to go sit back in my car to channel this week's message. Instead, I felt heavy and a stronger voice tell me to sit and relax into the rhythm of the ocean. It wasn't until later when I got home that I sat myself down to channel. It was at this point that Mary Magdalene's name came into my mind, as a thought connecting back to Amanda Ellis' video. I drew a tarot card asking to confirm, "Mary Magdalene, are you asking to connect with me for this new moon?" I felt a wave of exciting energy as I pulled The Universe card. Trust in your perceptions always, they will lead you where you're meant to go! When I connected with Mary Magdalene she first appeared to me as Mary Poppins! But as the connection to her energy increased, I saw that she was dressed in a late 1800's light pink silk lingerie get up. She looked like a beautiful vaudeville actress, with auburn hair and a presence of romantic sensuality. She asked that I hold a rose quartz and light some sage in place of a candle (as I had none). Here is the letter of love she wrote for us: Thursday July 12th 2018, around 10:40 PM Cass Lucine: Dearest Mary, what will you have us know at this time? Mary Magdalene: Blessings dear ones I am Mary Magdalene coming to you now to deliver to you comfort and respite in these hard times. Dearest ones you must absolutely above all be gentle with yourself at this time. The very fabric of your dimension is quickening and everything down to its deepest atomic level is changing. You are ever blossoming in this life dear, as the ocean ebbs and flows following after the moon so it is that you also ebb and flow. Ask yourselves at this fresh moon time what must be new? What is your soul crying for? The crab of Cancer teaches us of comfort, the creature itself carries its home with it. What habits do you indulge that purely bring you the sensation of comfort? And furthermore, if this habit were whole and good and true, what would the habit actually be? What is your heart crying for that will truly bring it comfort? The answers my dear start with love. Only love can heal what has been hurt. Just as well as comfort, what do you do to bring yourself pleasure? What pleasures does your heart desire? And are these pleasures guided by love? Or are they guided by desperation to heal an ache, to soothe some deep hurt? You are doing so well on this path of healing my dears, yet there remains puzzles to be solved. Before the life in which you live now, the brilliant light that is your soul decided to become human, decided that it wanted to come to earth to help all on the journey of healing. This is your truest destiny: to uncover the truth of your brilliance and to use your power for the good of all existence. Be strong my darlings for you are not alone. You are loved and held and supported far far beyond what you can see now. We are all here waiting for you, all that one must do is simply ask and so it shall be. Many many blessings of love to you, wherever you may be on your journey, remember that you are not and have never been alone. Until I hear your call, Mary Magdalene CL: Thank you Mary for this beautiful message. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Written much like a love letter, Mary Magdalene sends a sincere message to us all: Everything must start with love. There isn't much else for me to add to this y'all, I am feeling the need to relax, hydrate and disconnect from the world for a little while. As always, please comment below with any thoughts, feelings, compliments or concerns. I love to interact with anyone and everyone who reads these messages. Sending tender new moon hugs, -C. Lucine P.S. Here is a link to Amanda Ellis' Facebook page: and here is her Youtube: Amanda works most closely with Archangel Metatron, but brings forward such amazing perspectives on both of these platforms. Enjoy!
Hello fellow earthlings! How are we all feeling out there as we flow through Cancer season? The energy has been thick lately with many astrological bodies moving retrograde at this time. The great wheel of life is continually moving forward and as these planets appear to moving backwards to us on earth, we may be feeling a similar type of push and pull in our personal lives. Today (or yesterday depending on where you are) we are experiencing the opening of the galactic 7-7 portal. This cosmic opening is the beginning of a series of portals that will see us through to the August 8th 8-8 portal opening. Magic is thick in the air as we approach midsummer here in the northern hemisphere, and midwinter in the southern hemisphere. I personally am feeling some deep excitement as I continue to ride the huge wave of change that is 2018. This evening I have channeled a message to highlight this momentous day for you. The message comes from the glorious Archangel Michael and is focused on the continuing theme of standing in your truth. Here is the message that Archangel Michael has for us: Saturday July 7th, 2018 7:55 PM Cass Lucine: Archangel Michael, what would you like to share with us this day? Archangel Michael: Greetings dear ones it is I Archangel Michael, I come to you with open arms on this day. Blessings abound dear Earthlings, cosmic portals that have long been closed to Earth will be opening soon beginning with the galactic Sirius portal today, in Divine timing with your Earth earth day 7-7. You have done so well as of late darlings, doing the hard work of healing, shining Light into you your inner Darkness in order to transmute. Well done! You must remain Tethered to your inner Center of Peace at this time, as there will be many distractions attempting to pull you from what you already know. Many of you are realizing that certain lessons have been learned for good, there is a sense of finality on this 7-7-7 day. The lesson has been learned, time to start anew and see what else awaits you! The divine clarity that arose within you during the Gemini season carried a bit of your deepest Soul Knowledge with it. Tap into the sword of your truth, recall the realization that the mercurial period of Gemini brought to you, be it a clear idea, decision, or feeling. As Earth transitioned from Gemini into cancer this clear sword of knowledge split into 2, this-or-that ideas began clouding the already absolute truth of your inner Clarity sword. As we move forward through this portal you will see that two has become three. If imbalance has struck your center of peace, be not disappointed. You are perfectly capable of righting yourself again. Close your eyes and tune in to the glowing cord of light, the pillar connecting your soul to Earth, the sword of light that connects you to the cosmos. As you focus on the light of your soul, your truest essence, repeat these words: I am a child of the Divine I am a sovereign being I am a master of love I am not afraid to shine my light, I release any and all darkness that surrounds me, I ask that it be transmuted into the highest light, for the greatest good of all beings. My darlings call upon the archangels, and we will help you to release any sorrow, fear, doubt or guilt that may be interfering with you at this time. Your beloved Planet needs you to shine the light in your heart bravely and radiantly! This is your Cosmic truth! Blessed wishes to you all. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Alright y'all straight from the angel's mouth, we are being guided to stand strong in ourselves, and shine our truest light for the world to see! In perfect synchronicity I pulled a tarot card from Crowley's Thoth deck today, in attempt to connect with the energy of the 7-7 portal. What better could it be than the 3 of swords, divinely perfect as it carries with it the energies we have already been experiencing through the last couple of months. Pictured below is the 3 of swords in the Thoth deck, depicting a singular arrow striking a white rose, thrown out of balance by two curved swords. The rose is your true heart dear ones, the middle sword is your consciousness, and the curved swords are anything that is blocking you from seeing your true heart-light shining. Surrender to yourself, and let your white rose of truth grow with integrity! As always, I'm sending you my love and rose-scented hugs, - C. Lucine P.S.- Here's a link to some wonderful perspectives on this galactic portal energy: |
Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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