Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Blessed first full moon of summer to each and every one of you who've found yourselves here! There is a plethora of information circling about around each new and full moon, and I am exceptionally grateful to those of you who are checking in with me here to gather your own moontime perspectives. How is the summer starting off for you? My summer is absolutely continuing with the themes of 2018: acceleration towards deep healing, transmutation and change. After moving to a new town within the last month, leaving a city I lived in for almost 7 years, and starting two new jobs, I have certainly been yearning for comfort in consistency. It seems however that one of my biggest personal lessons this year is to find comfort in the consistency of change. Certain things have worked out for me exactly as I'd hoped they would, with moving and new jobs and finding a new apartment. Though, sometimes in life we get exactly what we wish for, only to realize that some things aren't actually as right for us as we wanted them to be. And here we are, a summer full moon, and the winds of change are blowing with an encouraging energy. For the channeled message I have interpreted to share with y'all today I drew a card from Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot deck, intending to get an idea of whom exactly wanted to communicate through me. I drew the lovely Queen of Cups, as depicted on the deck she holds a chalice decorated with a crab. (Hello Cancer!) I immediately guessed I was sensing was Aphrodite, as there were strong ocean vibes coming through. This energy though presented itself to me as a vibrant and electric feminine archetype, which to me felt a bit more ferocious than the Greek goddess of love. I followed along with a meditation that I found on Youtube before settling in to channel, a mediation involving the goddess Hekate. The meditation connected specifically with the part of Hekate's triple/quadruple presence which governs the ocean. (Link at the end of post) Laughing at myself I realized that I had already been connecting with a being who wanted to share a message with us all along! (Sometimes I use tarot to validate what I'm picking up on. I'm learning the virtue of trusting my intuition every step of the way.) Stubbornness aside, I'm thoroughly excited to share this communication with you all! I sensed Hekate standing before a huge full moon, swirling around in colors like periwinkle, lilac and sea foam green. As the moon appears to float as it reflects onto the sea, Hekate's presence was like glowing waves lapping on the shore of my mind. Here is the message that she brought through today: Wednesday 6/27/18 8:55 PM Cass Lucine: Great Goddess Hekate, what will you illuminate to us on this full moon day? Hekate: Greetings my child it is I, Hekate Einalia, mother to the ocean and lover of the moon. Peace be with you on this beloved day. I have come to you to enhance your connection with water at this time. The healing that can be brought about in your self can be so vastly enhanced when the inherent magic of water within you has been tapped. The wellspring of you must flow. Born from the sea, humans innate body composition is for the majority water. It is no coincidence but a true Divine blessing dear ones! The moon cycle is increasingly more and more potent and powerful now that so many consciousnesses are unifying with Luna. Praise be! The moon she reflects light back to you, look at how she glows brighter than ever. She is part of your mother earth energy, and your collective thoughts enhance her ability to shine healing unto you! At this most lovely time it is the first full moon after solstice, allow Luna to illuminate you- be open to her light. Let it flow like water into your dark corners- let her reflect your own true light back to yourself. The energy of Gemini presented as a singular sword in finality- a single thought fused into a clear pathway for you all. The sword now splits in two- feelings of the clear thought becoming distorted by the appearance of "options." My blessing to you this full moon is the gift of peace. Know that the only true choice is between that which causes you pain, and that which brings love to your heart. Allow it to guide you, your feelings ring truest when they are observed and acknowledged. I am here to bring healing energy of the ocean and its salt water. May you trust that you can call on me, Hekate Einalia, mother of the ocean. I have always supported you, allow yourself to remember. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am floating in an ocean of delight after receiving this mysterious moon message from Hekate of the sea. Like her energy, her message feels murky, like thoughts bubbling up from the depths of consciousness to float as foam on the sea of the mind. I hope all of you are able to connect with the energy Hekate Einalia is so willing and ready to share with us! May you find illumination during this Cancer season Capricorn full Strawberry Moon. Peer into the mirror that is Luna, and let her show you how to heal and enlighten anything your heart yearns to. Sending salty sandy beach hugs and mermaid kisses, - C.Lucine P.S. Here's a link to the guided meditation that I did which connected me with the lovely Hekate Einalia:
NEW MOON IN GEMINI June 13th, 2018, 12:43 PM Pacific Time
How are we all doing out there? The moon has slipped on into Cancer as we move through and out of the new moon period. Are you riding those waves of emotion, or do ya feel like you're floundering a bit out there in the surf? To be completely honest, and perhaps I am not the only who feels this way, I feel like I'm floating along and flailing arms-over-head all at the same time. Many things have changed for me personally lately and as I settle into the aftermath of the world turning over I feel that I am on the right path but confused about where I'm going. This week the channeled message I have prepared to share with you couldn't have come at a more divinely perfect time. I feel the effect of the choppy waters of emotions stirring something within all of us, the collective consciousness buzzing in unison, the soul within each of us asking us to look just a little bit closer at ourselves. I am absolutely thrilled to share this message with you. The being known as the Irish goddess Aine (awn-yuh) visited me in mediation Monday, when I felt the impulse to work on fully clearing and opening my third eye. I had already been planning on channeling a message for this new moon time, but wasn't entirely sure who or what had the desire to relay a message through me. It turns out, as with most things I am learning, when you allow stillness and quietude unto yourself, the answers will come. Aine is revered as the Irish goddess of the earth, animals, and has been known to be called the Queen of the Faeries. When she communicated with me on Monday her voice was sanguine and sparkling, like lavender sparkling water that would be a color like violet mixed with fuchsia. Her accent fluctuated from being thick and Irish to being sort of British in tone, and she felt like the calm peace one knows beside a cool stream in the forest. With that, I shall leave you to read the full message that was delivered by Aine for this wonderful final new moon of spring 2018. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday 6/13/18 6:55 PM Cass Lucine- Aine, goddess of the moon, the earth, animals and the Fae, what will you have us know this day? Aine- Hello again my child. It is I, Aine, I have come to you this week to help you further move down your own path, in the hopes your movement will in turn move others. We are drawing near the midsummer solstice, a time which is very special to the fae, oh what fun we will have! This is the last new moon of spring and in its way a last effort to begin the manifestation cycle of anything that has been speaking to you during this spring season. The magic is nigh darlings! I sense, as we all do**, that there is still much hesitation among lightworkers and starseeds, where there is also such knowing, such desire for a truly beautiful magic life, thee weight of responsibility, the perception of the feeling of being responsible for all beings, is unfortunately inspiring the feeling of doubt. **(here she is referring to other higher dimensional energies, ascended masters, angels, extraterrestrials, enlightened beings etc.) Dear angels, I ask for you to come and surround these lovely beings with a thousand angel kisses! Oh how beautiful you all are, if only you could see what I see. Furthermore what your inner eye sees. The "third eye", eye of the universal sight lies dormant in many who are already awakening. There is much fear left by parallel trauma timelines, cycles of pain that are repeating in what you would call a past life. Dears I am with you to bring comfort and reassurance in the understanding of your truest power, the ability to CHANGE. You are here, now, wherever you are, as a warrior for change. This is your most precious gift. You possess the knowledge and skills of the magic of transmutation! You may alter anything that is not working to serrve for the highest good of all universal beings. You must first start with you. You can help yourself, by being present, presently conscious in your body. Feel where the fear lies, feel where the pain lives, tap into these places, peel back the dark curtain of unknown and face what awaits you there. By addressing old patterns, old pain, you may then transmute it. You and only you can do this for yourself. The magic ability to do so lives within. Let your magical self be free! Be free of the fear of persecution. You are so very safe and so infinitely loved, and so divinely beautiful! SO, at this time of the new moon, ask yourself, what seeds have I already planted that I am not letting bloom? And when you feel you understand this question and its answer, plant new seeds of magic, and allow them to grow towards the first summer moon. CL: Thank you for your encouragement Aine, is there anything else you'd have us know? Aine: This is all my child, I only wish for you to receive and perceive full Divine love, within and without. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am beyond grateful for the wisdom and love that Aine has brought forward to us. Her words inspire a deep knowing in me and I find this message to be of inspirational comfort. It shall be noted that during this message Aine addresses lightworkers and starseeds. This is not to say that this message is not intended for you, if you do not identify with these terms. These are just words that came through, and they more realistically describe a feeling that was trying to be communicated. If this message resonates for you, it is meant for you. And on that note, if it does not resonate for you, that is okay too. All things in their own time, am I right? Sending you heaps of spring blossoms dears, and as always, all my love. -C.Lucine |
Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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