Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
For a while now I have noticed that animals appear in my life in peculiar moments, and usually if it's a common animal it will be a large number of them that I see. In the past few days I have seen at least 50 (going off a guesstimate here) dainty white butterflies. Yesterday I saw so many in a 5 hour period while I was out and about that the symbolism of the butterfly was captivating my curiosity. I even found the beautiful butterfly shaped leaf (pictured above) on a trail yesterday! When I got home I began frantically searching for information about where the word butterfly comes from.
The funny thing about butterflies is that no one seems to have any information on where the English word for butterfly is derived from. The Old English word for butterfly, butorfleoge, literally translates to butter (butor) fly (fleoge). Some theories about this attribute the name to the creamy yellow white color of the dainty little butterflies found in Europe. Another compelling idea relates the German word for butterfly, schmetterling, (derived from schmetten meaning cream) to folklore that described how witches turned into butterflies and stole milk or cream. Sadly I couldn't actually find any folklore tales to read that related to this idea, so if anyone out there has any stories please send them my way! In many other languages, the word for butterfly has associations with the soul, and I would say the main symbol or word that is associated with butterfly magic is transformation. In regards to animal spirit guides or animal medicine, transformation is what the butterfly is showing you if you begin to see them a lot or have a peculiar moment in which you are in awe of their twittering beauty. On IN5B ( they say "The butterfly represents the process of transformation and shape shifting. When the butterfly shows up, make note of the most important issues confronting you at the moment. What state of change are you at in regard to them?" These lines resonate deeply with me and I feel that this is the message all of the little white butterflies I have seen in the past few days. The personal journey of learning about the light and dark within one's self can be harrowing. Once you have stepped foot on the journey to fully unleash your universal magic and unconditionally loving heart, life seems to be full of positive and negative challenges that each hold some mysterious message of personal symbolism for you to unravel. You begin as the butterfly does, a little pupa trying to decide how it will grow. Once decided and having advanced along your path, you are like the caterpillar, hungry because you are growing. So then you begin to read and watch videos and research and learn about the passions you discovered in yourself as a pupa choosing your path. At some point all of the information that you've gathered becomes overwhelming, and like the plump caterpillar filled with nutrients, you resort to time alone. Slipping sweetly into your cocoon, you take time to lie low, so that you may process the nutritious knowledge that you have accrued. Eventually the process of reflection and digestion are over, and though you may know you'll never stop learning, in someway or another that initial pupa decision to investigate results in a problem solved. Finally you have completed said lesson, and it is time to emerge from your chrysalis and be reborn as the dainty, twittering and transformed butterfly. I think that many of us may have begun our own journeys a while back, and we are finding ourselves on the precipice of rebirth, ready to unleash our butterfly of knowledge gained. I know that these lovely butterflies I have been seeing are a sign to me to stop focusing on the hardships, stress and pressure that I am feeling. This pressure is merely a result of my now too-full chrysalis, and the only release will come from allowing myself to transcend the mirage of complications I feel are keeping me stuck. The time has come to allow myself to be reborn. You may notice a similar part of your life is following the butterfly trajectory. What phase of your journey are you on? Are you a pupa or a chrysalis, or somewhere in between? I believe all of us feel these cycles of growth, transformation, and rebirth, we are all like flowers, constantly blooming, dying, and growing again. The planet of Saturn has recently moved into the house of Scorpio, something that will not occur again for 29 years. I will be writing a new post soon describing what exactly that transit may be influencing but for now I will leave you to ponder the butterfly and this: What factor in your own life has seemed to be on repeat for the past 3 years? Consider the butterfly and its journey of growth, and reflect on your own journey. What in you is ready to emerge and continue to spread the twinkling beauty of the knowledge gained to others? Sending love and butterfly kisses, C.Lucine
Today the moon is in its first quarter hanging out in my solar house of Virgo, with only 7 days left before the next full moon. (In Sagittarius no doubt!) At this phase in the moon cycle, we are moving forward, getting ever closer to our "goal" for the month with the full moon. With the first quarter moon occurring in Virgo (til around 1 AM Eastern Time) we may feel that we are in full thinking mode, (overthinking anyone?). The sign of Virgo is associated with health and healing, and it relates to our stomach and intestines, so if you or anyone you know is feeling overwhelmed the past few days they may also be having upset stomach issues.
The energy of the first quarter moon paired with the sign of Virgo pulls our energy towards focusing on practical tasks. It is through these tasks that we, at this time, are seeking to improve the current situation we are in.. It is a great time to "clean out" anything that feels like it needs purifying, from our emotions to our homes. Virgo's practical healing nature inspires us to make changes in our lifestyles and our perspectives around problem solving. Perhaps you have been thinking about dietary changes, gardening, de-cluttering, reorganizing, organizing, making a 'to-do' list, moving your body and exercising, or even just getting out in nature to de-clutter your mind. Whatever it is that you are thinking, your mind is sure to be active today, as Virgo's ruling planet is Mercury, planet of thoughts and communication. Engage in activities today that stimulate the mental sphere or give you a good physical sense of "getting things accomplished." This week I wanted to draw a card from Doreen Virtue's Ascended Masters Oracle Deck, in hopes of providing us all with practical advice on how to express our energy this week. Today I drew the card pictured above, detailing Thoth as our energetic teacher for the week, expressing his advice to 'Write'. As I described my interpretation of this oracle card on my Instagram account ( @c.lucine ), I felt provoked by Thoth, understanding that he had more information about writing that he wants to share with us all. I got out my sage, created a safe place to meditate, and focused my intentions to channel a message from Thoth for you, and this is the response I received:
Me: "Thoth, what would you like for us to know about writing?" Thoth: "When you write the act of writing bring you closer to your true self. In this time of anguish and conflict, it can be easy to lose your sense of self in the energy of fear. By taking time to write, you inherently shut-off from the world in such a way that allows you to listen to your own truth. Change begins within. For those of you that feel frustrated with the tension in the world, you must focus on your internal space to find easement. You are the only person who can change your life, and to be who you truly are means being in touch with your internal self. When you react with anger and frustration at the acts of others, you must stop and evaluate for yourself 'What is making me feel this way?' By evaluating the causes of your own emotions, you will be able to find ways to solve these emotional problems for yourself. The act of writing gives you an instant physical connection to your thoughts. Perhaps you have been feeling compelled to journal, blog, write poetry, scribble thoughts down, make a list of goals or send an important person a letter. Do not hesitate to fulfill this desire this week. You are well supported by the universe to act on your desires. Do not be afraid, start now." Me: "Is there anything else you want to say?" Thoth: "Yes, I also want to say, do not hesitate to write because you feel you do not have the skill, knowledge or talent you need. Everyone has thoughts, everyone has feelings, and everyone has the same desire to be understood. Writing is a way to help you understand yourself. Do not hesitate. You are valid. You are enough. You are magic." I then showed Thoth my gratitude for sending me this beautiful message to share with you. I thanked him for his support and encouragement of us all, and personally for motivating me to write for myself too. It seems as though we will have a beautiful week ahead of us, heed Thoth's advice and get to writing in whatever form you feel called! -Sending magick love- C.Lucine |
Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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