Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Hello and Happy Witchy Wednesday to the little witch in all of us!
Today I have channeled a short but very direct and compelling message from the Ascended Master known as Serapis Bey. Serapis Bey is the chohan, meaning lord in Sanskrit, of the fourth ray. The fourth ray is the ray of white light, the light of purity and ascension. His presence is commanding yet gentle, and during our connection I could sense his sincere passion for igniting the energy of ascension within all humans. Without further ado, here is the message channeled from Serapis Bey: Me: Serapis Bey, what is the message you wish to share today? Serapis Bey: Greetings and hello I am Serapis Bey, chohan of the fourth ray, bringer of the white light of change. I am here today to connect with everyone about the importance of this new moon for everyone on planet earth. It seems you may forget sometimes that all of the people on earth gaze up at the same brilliant moon, but it is precisely this connection between all humans to the one moon you know which makes it so important. Today as the new moon, dark to all your eyes, passed before the sun, it blocked its rays from travelling to earth, and although the new moon was dark in the sky, its volume disrupted the brilliant sun. That is magic in itself! The ability that matter has to do the things it does! I digress, but truly this time is special. You can think of this moon passing the sun as a great energetic restart, like a shock of electricity jumpstarting a faltering heart. This seemingly simple (maybe to some) process of the moon's orbit, and the solar eclipse, is like a signal from the celestial heavens that only your soul can feel. So, I am here today to challenge all those who read this, for this is truly my celestial work, to challenge, to help get the wheels in motion so to speak. I challenge you to acknowledge the existence of your soul. I am sure many of you in the last weeks since the full moon have been encountering harsh realities. Difficulty in life has been almost a given experience recently, and we out here can see many many of you feeling sad, hurt, and angry. So, today I challenge your hurt, I challenge that part of your human mind that declares "That's just the way it is. Life is meant to hurt." I challenge you to turn away that kind of nasty thinking. I challenge you to ignore those loud and ugly thoughts, and I challenge you to really try harder to understand the spirit that is you. This is a time for shifting perception, this new moon is a catalyst, for burning away the muck of stagnancy and complacency, and setting aflame you, all that is you, your true joys, your true passions, you are power, you are the power of infinite love manifested into the physical form of human. And that fact alone should be enough to make your spirit soar! My message today is short and direct: Challenge yourself to feel the love of all existence flowing through you. I believe in you all. I see your true beauty, and it is magnificent. Please, call on me, I am truly here for you, to help you, but you have to ask. May the blessings of every star be with you all. Thank you. Me: Thank you so much chohan Serapis Bey for coming forward today. I am so thrilled with this powerful, direct challenge presented to us all, to awaken our souls and allow ourselves to feel the joy of existence. Challenge accepted I say! Witchy blessings to y'all ♡ - C.Lucine
Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
March 2022
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