Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
HOLY FULL MOON VIBES Y'ALL! The bright beams of that full Leo moon are doing quite a number on me as we end January 2018 with its second full moon. How are you doing out there wherever you are? I'm realizing as I sit in the thick of this very important moment, that I feel my new year new beginning is starting now. During the full solar eclipse at the end of last August, also in the sign of Leo, I felt a deep shift on a spiritual and soul level. It felt like an ancient sealed door had finally been unlocked and was opening inside of me. At the time it was really exciting, I felt ready to start making changes in my life that I had been resisting. I felt a creative fire I had been missing reignite and I felt really sure of myself. Though sometimes life gets away from us doesn't it? This lunar eclipse full blue blood moon in the heart of the lion feels to me like another ancient doorway has opened. Stepping through this time feels overwhelming. Many intense emotions and memories have been moving through me, and the immense love I feel with Luna in Leo is demanding full awareness at this time, telling me to finish what I started. As this full moon is occuring on the eve of the celtic festival of Imbolc, I have prepared a channeled message for you which comes from the central figure celebrated at this time: The Goddess Brigid. Brigid is a triple goddess who offers the energies of poetry, smithcraft and healing. She is a goddess of the flame and during this blessed time she is worshipped as the bringer of the first signs of spring. It is traditional to burn yule greens at this time to celebrate making it through most of winter and to offer food to honor the goddess. I am very excited to share the message I've channeled, as Brigid is a member of my team of spirit guides and one of the first deities that I connected with when I began awakening. Here is what Brigid had to say to us all: ____________________________________________________________________ Transmission received from Brigid at 1:10 PM PST 1/30/18: Me: Lady Brigid, thank you greatly for connecting with me at thjs time. What message are you here to share during this blessed time of Imbolc and the full moon lunar eclipse? Brigid: Greetings my darlings I am Brigid, I am here today to celebrate this most joyous time with you. This is the time of fire, the great burning, the time where that which is no longer useful must be transformed. This holy occurence which finds the moon full is being amplified with the lunar eclipse energy laid across the sky. When the moon reaches her fullest shine through the lionheart and when the sun beams his fire through the waterbearer. This time is one of a great shifting, this moon-sun opposition is actually at this time the opening of a gate that has been long sealed. Where the moon in Leo feels like the center, the sun in Aquarius balancws with the memory of the collective. Darlings this beautiful energy will be released through the opening of this cosmic gate, and the energy of this message will flow quickly to you. It is time for you to ask yourself, what makes you the most happy? And how can you share that passion with all? The time for selfish fulfillment of desires to better oneself only is ending. You must now look at all people, all beings, and all creatures around you on Terra. How can your own happiness, talents, desires, how can you offer help to all things through yourself? The time is now. The time has come to take stock of yourself. What must change? What must absolutely must be transformed in you so that you may go forth and in turn change the world? You can no longer believe that you are separate from any other thing existing with you. You are everything. As everything you have a responsibility you must step into, a responsibility to all, to release all which keeps you from receiving and giving the energy of unconditional divine love. You are part of an intricate and expansive universe of energies, and by realizing that your every thought, feeling, decision, action, adds to the collective, you will realize how much can change when you choose to use your power for the betterment of all. During this special energetic activation time of the full moon, I encourage you to embrace your innate connection to your lunar goddess. Allow her to show you where darkness is still controlling you. Allow her silver beams to brighten those dark spots. Allow her to sway your understanding of your emotions, so that you can release blame and shame and see that your emotions are your power. Be near fire and water during this time. Release the old by burning it away. Cleanse the body with water renewing the healing wounds. Rejoice in the cosmic oneness that you are a part of with joyous celebration at this time. You are divine! You can work magic! You can heal yourself! You can know anything! You are changing everything by your openness to change yourself. My dearest ones, I am with you at this blessed time. Shall you need me call my name and I shall appear for you. I believe in you. Me: Thank you deeply for your blessings and message Brigid. ____________________________________________________________________ I hope that you are feeling warm and fuzzy after reading Brigid's message. Her energy is like being surrounded by warm water that is glowing and gently healing you when she is nearby. I am going to be spending my Imbolc celebrating the great burning, setting fire to the greens from yule and a list of all that is no longer serving my highest and greatest good. I may even take the advice of my guide Brigid and settle into a bath to generate the healing process. My heart is open to you at this time. May we be honest and gentle with ourselves, and may we rejoice and celebrate the time where all is beginning to stir after the great sleep of winter. As always, sending my love and great big warm fire water healing hugs, -C. Lucine P.S. Let me know how this message made you feel and what your Imbolc celebrations/ full moon rituals may be!
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Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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