Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Hello fabulous souls and Happy Full Leo SuperMoon Magick Period!
Where do I even begin to unpack the seemingly boundless energy of the reflected Aquarian solar energy coming from the Leo Full Moon? In true Aquarian nonconformity, I'm going to start by taking you back to Leo season of 2019. The current lunar energies are connected to the Lion's Gate Portal which reaches it's full opening on 8-8 every year, and last year's portal had a domino effect which accelerated in energy on the following portal days of 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, and 12-12. The frequency of this current is part of the energetic blueprint which is guiding our planet into its ascension, and the spark which was ignited at Lion's Gate echoes through the current full moon energy, reminding us of what we previously re-membered. Think back to the end of July and into the middle of August 2019, Leo Season, what themes and lessons were coming up for you at that time? Leo represents the sun inside of us all, the part of us which wishes to shine and be seen for our unique light, the perhaps deeply buried part of us which desires ample attention for what we are bringing to the table. During Leo Season 2019, we were collectively being asked "What do you want to be recognized for?" Is it your style? Your compassion? Your love of nature? Of animals? Of art? Your bravery? Your patience? Your kindness? Your humor? The burst of energy which came from Lion's Gate penetrated the deepest reaches of our beings, giving us the opportunity to be brave, self-assured, and like the lion, confident to take our rightful place in the sun. Now, let's tune into the solar Aquarius Season, reflected in the light of the Leo full moon. Aquarius season is asking us "How do you want to be recognized for contributing to the expansion of the collective?" Is it in a career as a doctor, a scientist, a social worker, a lawyer, a veterinarian or a teacher? Is it as an activist, an artist, a dancer, a singer or a poet? Is it as a volunteer, a child care provider, a neighborhood friend, a gardener? Or do you want to be recognized as simply being yourself, living your truth uninhibitedly, inspiring the collective to be their truest selves? These can be and/also things, they do not have to be mutually exclusive, but they do have to be true to your unique vibration and the desires in your heart, for anything else is a corruption of our true and singular frequency, our soul light. My own lesson sparked at Lion's Gate centered around acknowledging and releasing the beliefs that say I am not unique, that I'm just like everyone else who is into magick and tarot and astrology, that thinks "Why would anyone choose to connect or work with me when there are so many just like me?". Through the process of shadow work and finding out where these beliefs stem from, I have have learned why I still carry them, and best of all that I no longer have to schlep that density along with me. I have also learned more about how I am unique and what makes my energy work unique, which largely stems from the soul purpose I agreed to take on before being birthed into this current incarnation. It's been a BIG deal, which took months to fully unfold, and now with the rise of the Leo full moon energy, even more shadow work has been brought into my awareness, showing me where I still require healing. So if you like me are on a similar path, well on your way or just beginning, know that you absolutely are not alone. Today as a full moon offering I have a wonderfully inspiring message from a light-being known as the Great Divine Director. This is the second time that I have connected with and channeled this entity, though I cannot say I have learned much more about who they are. Each time they have arrived to connect they've stood looming behind me upwards of 7 feet tall. Their energy is not necessarily soft and warm, though it is comforting and welcoming, with a tinge of seriousness which feels professional almost. It is no laughing matter when this being decides to communicate, though their message for the full moon was light, bright, and full of possibility. Here is the record of this communication: Transcribed 02/09/2020 01:50:33 PM PST Me: Great Divine Director, thank you for stepping forward to speak to us today, what will you have us know? Divine Director: De-lighted greetings and salutations shining ones, I am the Divine Director, the overseer of the overseer, the organizer of the ascension of your galaxy, and today I am here with most exciting news. Your world has been under the siege of dark forces for generations upon generations, and as a result of this energetic dominance, the majority of the human race has been confined to its 3-D existence. I am here today to share with you news of the great awakening, and to inform you that whether consciously or not, all humans are now in tune and connected to the 4th dimension. Many of you are now connected to the 5th dimension, and some of you are beginning now to anchor into the high heart, the great central sun energy available in the 6th dimension. I am bringing this knowledge into your awareness bright ones to help you cease any patterns of hopelessness or futility. The light has returned to earth wholly. It has been done! This reality is playing out beautifully, and you no longer need to worry about the awakening of earth’s people. They have awakened. What you must choose to do now is to remain in those higher dimensional frequencies, which can only be done by your conscious choice to let go of and release all illusions. The beautiful full moon which reached its pinnacle in the last day is providing you a space for this release. Anchor into Gaia’s energy grid, and allow yourself to open up to the Aquarius-Leo energy current. Once in that flow, you may ask for my or other divine help in detaching, clearing, releasing, and transmuting undesirable energy, illusions, and patterns. I and SO many others are watching you from the cosmos, and we are so proud of the bravery being displayed as you carry out your mission on earth. We are with you always, and can help at a moments notice, all you must do is ask and it shall be so. Blessings and cosmic abundance to all on this day! Me: Thank you Great Divine Director for the wisdom shared today. __________________________________________________________________________________ This message goes right along with the majority of channeled messages I have transcribed since Leo Season 2019 which all resonate with the energy of reassurance. We are being assured that the light has won, that higher vibrational frequencies are already anchored in and active on earth, that we are part of something so much greater than perhaps we realized and it is all happening. There is nothing we need to do, nowhere else we need to be, nothing else left to prove, or show, or change. All we must do is choose to be here now, in the higher dimensions, while we act as anchors, holding this energy on Gaia and earth. Trust that being yourself is enough and all that is required of you. Have the courage to shine your light and be recognized for what that does for others. Dare to be uniquely you. Sending a hug from my truest self to yours, -Cass Lucine
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Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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