Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Happy Witchy Wednesday once again y'all, and thanks for popping in!
I awoke this morning with excitement of Mars going direct today (yay!), but as I shook of the remaining sleep sand from my mind I began to grow anxious. Are things really getting better? Is all I see for myself possible? Does anyone really care about what I'm doing? Yikes! Doesn't that sound like a little left over tug-of-war Mars retrograde to you? In order to try and understand this anxiety I asked my trusty tarot deck what planetary influence, if any, might be affecting me, and i pulled a reversed card connecting with the energy of Jupiter. Turns out, Jupiter is currently in my Sun house of Virgo, finishing up it's year long transit. Not surprisingly, my Virgo mind is shook up by the presence of Jupiter in my chart. So what?? So, I was guided through my own anxieties and doubts to channel a message for you all, from none other than my magical pal Master Hilarion. Here's the message I received to share with you today: Me: Master Hilarion, today I ask for your wisdom to be shared with all, relating to the transit of Jupiter through Virgo. Master Hilarion: Greetings dear ones it is I Master Hilarion! (Laughing because his introductory voice was boisterous). I am so very pleased to be asked to communicate this message to you today, I am brimming with planetary knowledge and happy energy at the chance to share what I know. (Laughs) When I think of Jupiter I can't help but smile, the planet has a presence like fiery joy filling up an enormous hot air balloon, and it is precisely this feeling I hope to send to you all today. The jovial Jupiter transitioned into the house of Virgo almost one year ago, on August 11, but it seems to me that the full effect of that energy hasn't been so obviously felt until now. Virgo is the place of service and care, relating to all things that help mankind heal and change for the better. Mixed with Jupiter, the planet of fame, excitement, exuberance, and confidence, it's surely been an interesting combination of energy. Jupiter left the house of Leo last summer, and the energy that we see most carried from Leo to Virgo is generosity, however, Mercury ruled Virgo thinks so much of others, that generosity to oneself is a bit lost. Jupiter the planet of true confidence, of egoless sureness of oneself and one's place in life. This trait, in effect, is what is amplified by the Sun in Leo on an individual level, which can result in a natal Leo Sun person being arrogant. This is a false sense of confidence, born from insecurity, but, what Jupiter can show you is how to fully love oneself and find a true sense of confidence. So, back to good 'ole Jupiter being in Virgo, the house of service, it seems to me that maybe much of your focus in the past year has been on lifting up others? Or maybe you've been so focused on the well being, physically and emotionally, of others, and their success, so much that you've put off focusing on your own confidence and success? Darlings I am truly here today to remind you that desiring your own success and fulfillment is not selfish! You deserve your own love and encouragement as much as any person or friend close to you does. Think of the people in the last year you've rooted for, any person you've cheered on out loud or in your prayers, and now imagine that you are that person you're encouraging, give yourself that same true love's faith. Every person deserves to live their dream life, so why not you? Why not now? Jupiter will remain in the house of Virgo for another month or so, and I implore all of you to focus that jovial, confident, sure-of-your-impending-successes kind of energy towards yourself too, and allow some Jupiter magic to come into your life. As always, I am here, to aid any and all of those in need, I send you my love and the big, swelling laughter of the beautiful planet Jupiter, blessings to all. Me: Thank you Master Hilarion! I'm not sure about you, but I surely needed to hear this positive message today. I hope that you are feeling empowered by the the frothy joy of Jupiter, I'm sending big giggly hugs to you! -C.Lucine
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Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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