Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
To say that time flies is a gross understatement about what the last 5 months have been like. Hello out there everyone! Within those 5 months I have completed my thesis work and oral defense, graduated and received my Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts, and have helped my sister welcome our family's first baby into the world! I have definitely been feeling overwhelmed these months, it feels like my heart has been repeatedly broken open in order to make more room. All tumultuously beautiful life experiences aside, I am filled with excitement to devote time to writing and channeling again, and I have many ideas in store that I will be sharing with you all!
Not only is today the full moon AND lunar eclipse, today is also observed as Old Lughnasadh day, when the Sun is at 15° Leo. Lughnasadh is recognized as the midpoint between summer and fall solstices and represents the beginning of harvest season. This glorious time is meant to celebrate the fruits of the labor of the summer season and to give thanks to the sun, as from this time on it will slowly start to disappear earlier and earlier each evening. Today we all are truly blessed by some seriously vibrant and exciting Lunar energy amplified by the eclipse taking place in the sign of Aquarius and set ablaze with the sun in Leo. We are being called to live our highest lives my soul siblings. The time is right to fully commit to living by your own rules, speaking your truth loudly, and taking the initiative to put your ideas into actions. Leo pushes you to go for what you most desire, even if it feels so strange (Aquarius) that you're afraid no one will understand. Today I would like to share a transmission with you from one of my most influential spirit guides, the Goddess of Many Names, Isis of Egypt. My connection with her has remained throughout lifetimes, and her essence connects to many on Earth at this time. Lately our bond has become even stronger, and I am so thrilled to finally channel her divine vibration and translate her message to you! Transmission from Isis, 12:58PM 08/07/17 Me: Divine Mother Isis- What will you have us know today? Isis: Greetings dear ones it is I Mother Isis, coming to you on this glorious full moon day. The heavens are alight with excitement today as all prepare for the galactic portal to be opened tomorrow. This is truly a celebratory time my dear ones and the encouraging sun in Leo brings magic and childlike wonder to all on Terra at this time. Many of you are realizing your connection to space, and I feel that you may also be travelling in your mind back into your childhood. What beliefs lie there for you? What were you absolutely sure of as a child that you have forgotten? It is within your memories that you can unlock the destiny of your soul at this time. Remember back to activities you did effortlessly as a child, the things you could do for hours on end without ever tiring. Therein lies your soul's magic my dear ones, therein lies your purpose as a human on Terra at this time. The Aquarian moon encourages you to get creative about dealing with the darkness you carry, it is not enough to simply recognize the darkness within, you must find the lessons waiting in that dark place, and bring them into the light of action. Now, more than ever, the need for your light is serious to the state of Terra. Realities are crumbling and collapsing and many of you find it hard to tune out of the chaos and horrors that cover the news and internet. This is YOUR time dearest, you must go within. Everything you need to know is already inside of you. Stop giving your power away so easily! Every complaint, every criticizing word, every disappointed angry feeling sends more of that negativity out into existence, and these negative emotions essentially tell the universe that this is what you want. Choose instead to be grateful, to be joyful. Surround yourself with people and activities that uplift you and keep you thinking constructively, that keep you feeling the excitement and vibrancy of all creation. Even seemingly small thoughts and actions based in gratitude and joy tell the universe "more of this please!" You are more powerful than you know. This is a time to celebrate everything that makes you who you are. Look deep within yourself and your past, and remember what the things are that make you feel truly blissful, no matter how outrageous or apparently "imaginary." Therein lies your true creative potential, the real and powerful ability that you all have to manifest each and every desire you feel. I love you all with the deep resonating vibration of the Adonai, the all encompassing creation spark, allow your heart to open and receive this love from me today. May all of the wonders of existence come to you now- ka chun-- Me: Thank you greatly Mother Isis for your uplifting message. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I don't know about you my friends but I am positively buzzing with excitement today! Moon mother Isis is bringing us all some seriously radiant and dreamy vibes today and I am so thankful to share her words with you all. I hope that each and every one of you can find something to be grateful, joyful, and excited about today, and that you feel inspired to live your dreams out loud. Sending stellar hugs your way, -C.Lucine P.S. I am offering a 1-card full moon tarot reading to anyone who is interested! The card that is drawn will be reflective of the question "What is the most important message that Isis wants to share with me during this full moon?" The reading is priced at $7.00, please include your email address at the time of checkout, and you will receive a word document with a photograph and explanation of the card. (No email addresses or personal information will be stored.)
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Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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