Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Greetings and blessed new moon in Aquarius y'all. Somehow it is already February, and the start of a new lunar cycle that will lead to the full moon in Virgo on Feb. 19th. Here on the Oregon Coast we had almost a whole week of sunny, spring-like weather at the end of January, which felt like an incredible blessing. Those warmer days have given way to near freezing temperatures and overnight we received a dusting of coastal snow. It all feels incredibly synchronistic as we just passed the festival of Imbolc celebrating the midway point between winter and spring. Flowers have started blooming and now have to brave the cold temperatures. Animals are beginning to come out of hibernation and have their offspring, and all of earth is showing us how to exist in the in-between. It also seems like perfect divine timing that we find ourselves at the new moon time, as it too shows us that we are ready to start a new cycle ourselves. I sat down at my desk to enjoy a particularly sunny moment this afternoon, and quickly found myself following a guided meditation from the sun. This was a most enjoyable meditation, as I literally felt much heaviness burning away from me, and I began thinking of all that has felt like it was obstructing me lately. The sun drew that all out of me, offering its fire to transmute my darkness. As it happens nearly every time now, this exchange led me to channel a message to share with you all from the powerful sun in Aquarius. The moon is barely beginning to feel the light of the sun in it's new phase, so it came as no surprise to me that the sun itself brought forward a message to give to us all. This message was delivered by the sun being Horus, stepping forward to me as Harpokrates or Horus the child, a symbol of the rebirth being offered. I have transcribed this channeled message for those who prefer to read it to themselves, and I have also made a video of myself reading the message aloud if that format speaks to you. Tune in and enjoy this most magnificent message from the radiant solar being Horus: C.Lucine: Harpokrates what will you have us know today? Harpokrates (Horus): Blessings all on this most divine day, the Sun and Moon sit in Aquarius providing all in your Galaxy with a hyper-real fresh start, truly a rebirth in essence. You are being offered newness at this time by the surrender and release of all old density. The solar age of unity is encompassing earth and all its inhabitants, be they of the flesh or beyond the veil into spirit. This solar energy touches all dimensions of beingness in this galaxy, and all are ascending into new levels of existence. Yes, all beings, even angels, even ascended teacher beings, even I that is the solar energy is evolving. Dear blessed ones, you are being asked to activate your light body, as this step is imperative to continuing your soul's journey. This is an individual experience that only you can give yourself, and in order to do so you must ask. This upgrade of your light body is available to you at any and all times. It will not change or go away from you, as divine time is ever-continuing, never-ending, flowing eternally. Any moment of sunshine that finds you is an opportunity being offered you, any of these light filled moments are provided to you, a chance to face the sun directly and allow the solar codes to enter and activate your light body, you Mer-Ka-Bah, as you ascend. We are here to help you accelerate that process. We the beings of light who have agreed to help our sisters and brothers on earth are only able to help those who have asked for it. Your clear intentions guide us to help you in the best possible way for all of existence to prosper, we are always ready to help in a moments notice - ask and you shall receive. (Here Horus spoke this quote to me, clearly referencing the words written upon the Golden Snitch in the Harry Potter series, I asked for clarification of meaning and this was the response.) “Eye open at the close" This is an instruction to all who face the sun and ask to receive the solar codes. Look into the Great Central Star with eyes closed, and allow the sun rays to enter and open your third eye. Eye open at the close. My own words do not match the affect that this message has, as I felt the profound activation that is mentioned when I myself sat and faced the sun with my physical eyes closed. There is a magic in the air, connecting us with the evolved solar Aquarian energy that is being offered. This is the time of expansion, there is space to be filled by the exploration of you. Allow your curiosity to lead you where you must go. Blessed New Moon in Aquarius to all, may the sun always shine upon you. Extending my light to yours, C.Lucine
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Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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