Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Greetings and Blessed Winter Solstice from the Oregon Coast, USA! It is a sacred and beautiful day here in the town in which I live. We've just endured nearly 24 hours of a blustery, noisy, messy storm which happened to coincide with trash collecting day. Needless to say, debris from trashcans and trees is scattered everywhere, collecting in the corners of buildings and roadways. The sky today is an incredible light Parisian grey, a vast blanket of crisp, whitish blue, a refreshing color of light after such torrential clouds. It couldn't be more perfectly timed that we're experiencing the calm after the storm on the longest night of the year, the winter solstice. Today the northern pole of the earth is tilted at its furthest away from the sun, marking the first day of winter and giving us the shortest day of the year. Ancient peoples celebrated this day as the return of the sun, for from today onward in the northern hemisphere, the days begin to grow longer and longer. One such celebration was believed to be held at sundown at the great Stonehenge, which is a known site where summer solstice celebrations would converge. Archaeological evidence has shown that the parties there were HUGE and archaeologists have unearthed prolific amounts of debris from feasting. Whether you observe this astronomical occurrence as a time of celebration or not, today is a special day in the yearly journey of this planet. Those of you who read the last message I channeled on 12/12 will remember the mention of a 10 day cleasing period, which is complete after today on 12/22. Not only is today a natural holiday marking a shift in the light the earth receives, it is also holding the energy of the closure of the final portal of 2019, as we head toward the great aperture that is 2020. Unsurprisingly, I wanted to channel a message today to share with any and all folks out there who are open to receiving it. I intuitively knew upon waking this morning that I should share a message that I actually transmitted in October. At the time that this channeling occurred I felt a great excitement to receive the message, but once it had been transcribed, I felt no pressing urge to get it posted and shared on the internet. Even though I knew intuitively that I should share that message, I decided to grab the Keepers of Light Oracle deck to choose a light being to communicate with today. (Look y'all, I am a rising Taurus and I can be stubborn at the best of times.) So, this morning while I shuffled the deck, eyes closed, silently repeating my intentions to it, I could feel a card keep trying to pop out. Still, stubbornly, I kept my eyes shut and shuffled until I felt I had clearly stated my intentions in choosing a card. When I finally did, I grabbed the card which was sticking up from the rest of the deck, turned it over, and what card do y'all think I drew? Yup, you may have guessed it, I chose the exact card of the light being whom I had channeled in October. All I could do was laugh at myself and get started on typing up this post to share it with you. Here is the transmission received in October: Transcribed 10/14/2019 Me: Hello light being and thank you for coming forward today. What will you have us know? Divine Director: Greetings to all, I am the Divine Director the overseer of the overseer of the ascension of this galaxy. I work closely with Archangel Metatron, Ashtar, and the Galactic Counsel containing leaders from each great Star race. We are the watchers who work to maintain order in all actions in accordance with the divine blueprint that has been laid out for your solar system. I come to you to bring word of Triumph from the great central sun, whose codes are being transmitted through Sol, the great central sun of your system. It is imperative that all who have already awakened to the higher divine frequency of the unconditional love of source understand that the great battle has been won. What previously were separate timelines resulting in potential dark outcomes have been completed. They have no true affect on you any longer, though your free will power allows you to experience it if you are choosing so. We are calling to you all, all light workers, star seeds, travelers, explorers, watchers, elementals, angels, and earthlings. Choose love. We find the most simple to be the most effective in every instance, give yourself a moment to breathe, and carry onward in love. This is a call to lay down your weapons, and trust that the fight is over. Give any heaviness, Burdens of spirit or otherwise, over to we who are watching, we will transmit any lingering density, any instinct for battle, any fear of defeat. You who have fought so hard, we thank you, it is now time to open your heart center, to receive the incoming solar codes which bring with it the next wave of Ascension. By releasing all density you’ve been carrying, you will make room for all the newness that is to come. Hold the light of faith and trust in the luminous wonders that are coming. I, the Divine Director will be watching closely and all other light beings are available to you at your beck and call. Ask and it shall be so. Me: Thank you Divine Director for speaking to us today. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Looking back now, I realize that I channeled this message on Columbus Day, in hopes of receiving a message about dismantling colonizer culture and uniting the human race in love. Today as I write this blogpost, I realize why this message waited to be shared, until a time when we were ready to know what source and spirit has known all along: the battle for new earth has been won. It is my sincere wish for you, no matter where you are at on your journey of ascension, that this message brings the light of hope into your heart. The beautiful, peaceful, unconditionally loving and sovereign planet we all know can exist, does exist, even if only as a blueprint. There's a plan already laid out, and we have the tools to build it, waiting right within our hearts and souls. May you open that doorway within and welcome in what is waiting for you there. Sending you a knock-knock, -Cass Lucine
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Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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