Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Blessed New Moon in Scorpio y'all!
2018 is nearing its end. We are about halfway through autumn up here in the Northern Hemisphere, a week past Halloween, and yet the air still feels thick with magick. The moon begins its cycle anew, going dark in the fiery water sign of Scorpio, dragging us into the pits of our own underworlds with it. Are you afraid of the monsters lurking there in the dark? Or are you brave enough to befriend them, and ask them what made them monsters in the first place? Scorpio season is all about the shadow y'all. If there is anything you have been trying to hide, keep secret, or avoid confronting, it is likely that that situation has been highlighted for you during the last few weeks. The potent Scorpio new moon today is right up next to the Scorpionic sun, amplifying the depths to which the dark moon's tendrils will reach. Deep deep down at the murky bottom of your soul awaits the key which will unlock even the most heavy of chains which attempt to hold you down. Allow the ferocity of Scorpio to be your guide through the darkness. I was guided to channel a message this week by the vibrant presence of Mary Magdalene. She came to me on Sunday reminding me that the new moon falls on Wednesday, this witch's favorite day, and to be prepared to transcribe a message to share. When I set intention to begin channeling today I was not yet sure who exactly would be stepping forward, but the experience that ensued was absolutely fitting for this dark Scorpio moon period. A beam of light is my usual cue that a connection has been made and that I am ready to channel. At the beginning of this transmission I saw a beam of lilac-magenta colored light streaming through my mind's eye. This was followed by what appeared to be billowing clouds of deep blue, so deep it seemed purple, sprinkled with swirls of vivid gold. Intuitively I recognized this to be Royal Blue and Gold dragons who work with Archangel Michael, coming in to help sweep my aura so that I could be a clear channel. Sitting still with eyes closed, I then saw a large beaded curtain, with beads made of what appeared to be wood and clay. Through the curtain stepped a being who appeared to me as a shapeshifter. First it appeared with bright red skin, and which then changed to be a deep blue, all while wearing a large black headdress. The message delivered by this entity is quite serious and I am thrilled to share it with you now. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Channeled Message Transcribed November 7th, 2018 08:28 AM PST Cass Lucine: What is most important that we know today? Avalokiteshvara: Greetings child it is I Avalokiteshvara, here to guide you forward from this most incredible day. Blessings to all who come forward with Open Hearts, there is much to learn and receive today. The time of great Reckoning has begun on Earth, but do not let these words strike fear in you child. For you may also say this is a time of great reasoning, as some might say "settling the score." On a massive global scale what has been done must be balanced with the according energetic frequency that responds to its counterpart. This will appear to be a turbulent time on Earth, many will react to these external circumstances with fear, choosing to believe the images seen through screens. A great many of you will be experiencing similar feelings of turbulence internally at this time as well whether in your emotions or physical health. Relax and allow this process to unfold before you, this is the process of balancing so called "karma" by many. This process is actually a balancing of energy and your presence with anything that arises in your life will help you to see through all illusions. Dear child I come to you with this message not to frighten you but to encourage you to locate and strengthen your inner source of power. You all contain a fragment of the radiant Source Light Within you. This is your ultimate self, the infinite frequency of unconditional love. This light, your power center, is like an internal doorway that you can open at any time. Now is a favorable time for many to open their Soul doors, allowing higher-dimensional frequencies to pour through you and out into Earth reality, this will help bring Harmony and balance to the chaos that appears to be dominating your world now. There is an increasingly rapid energy of manifestation surrounding Earth at this time. Caution regarding one's thoughts is most important at this time. Be present with your emotions, desires, and judgments. Any strong focus of energy will send out a signal to bring more of that energy back to you. It is wise to be aware of what you sent out and how it comes back. C.Lucine: Is there anything else you want to share with us today? Avalokiteshvara: "The best present you can offer the world is the gift of your own presence."* Archangel Metatron: Blessings dear child, be brave, for the fight has only just begun. Don't allow what appears in the shadows to pull you off your path. You carry the light and through this all is illuminated. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ * This quoted line was brought through by Avalokitshvara in reference to a video I just watched by the lovely Amanda Ellis, in which she is expressing thoughts from AA Metatron. It was at this moment that AA Metatron came forward to share a message as well! ** Amanda Ellis' video linked below. There you have it, a very straightforward urge to all of us in the coming weeks: Be Present. Focus on right now. Use mindfulness practices and breathing techniques to snap yourself right back into NOW. As the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara mentioned above, our strong, consistent emotions and thoughts are manifesting into physical reality very rapidly right now. Don't forget the capability and support you have to offer love to the monsters lingering in your shadows. By confronting them with honesty, patience and understanding, you bring light into the darkest places, and reveal the truths behind the monsters' masks. It's all you. Sending tender extra-long hugs, -C.Lucine P.S. Check out Amanda Ellis' video "Staying High Vibe and Out of 'the Box'"
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Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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