Channeled Messages
Transmissions are received via telepathic communication sessions and are intended to promote awareness, curiosity, and hope for brighter tomorrows.
Hey y'all, welcome and happy Thursday evening! As we head towards the weekend, I wanted to share a message with you from Archangel Michael. So what is an archangel anyway? I usually worry about saying the word archangel to anyone. I feel like many people assume that I'll be trying to convert them before they know it. If anyone cares to know, I don't subscribe to any religion, I allow myself to follow my spiritual interests and learn for myself what resonates with me! That being said, I'd like to share my perspective of archangels, in the hopes that it resonates with you. I personally, and lovingly, call archangels aliens, and I believe they are beings from higher dimensional planes of existence, that everyone can perceive with their psychic senses. I think that every human possesses what most people call psychic senses, but they're all basically a "sixth sense" that every human has (intuition anyone?). It's up to you to understand for yourself how to sense with your energetic body. (If a post with more info on psychic senses interests you, comment below and I'll work on a new piece to share with you!) Anyway, angels and archangels are friends who want to offer their help to all humans, regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, meaning you don't have to have a particular belief structure to receive their guidance, all you have to do is believe that it is possible to connect with them, and then ask for their connection, their help! When I first started meditating and asked to have an experience of meeting a spirit guide while in meditation, I was greeted by the Archangel Michael. Michael is the archangel of protection, who wields a sword of fire which he uses to cut away negativity from our auric fields. I am not sure about you, but I have been feeling very anxious and confused this week, and after an attument with Archangel Michael earlier today, (of which I'll post a link at the end of this piece) I wanted to share his energy with you all. Here is the channeled message from Michael: Me- Archangel Michael, please join me here, and share through me as a channel your message for us all. Archangel Michael- Greetings dear ones it is I, Archangel Michael and I am here to share a very important message with you today. It is during times such as these that all humans begin to search for some semblance of peace, and I can hear the messages of all your hearts yearning for joy and calm, and so I am here today to reconnect you with your power. Each human heart beats with an ancient rhythm that connects to the very core of life on earth, but the frequency which vibrates out from your beating heart is a pure and highly vibrating frequency which resonates with the creative power of the universe. So as everything in the universe exists, so as you exist, so does your heart create your existence. When you are afraid, hurt, doubtful, sad, angry, when your heart's frequency is dulled and blocked by these emotions, your life's experiences are reflective of that pain. I want to share with you the knowledge of your heart center, the seat of your soul, because from a happy heart radiates the productive creative energy of peace. If you look at nature, all things continue, regenerate, recycle themselves in a way. Flowers do not cease to grow simply because their blossoms died in the previous season, they grow again and again. Whole forests have been burned down before, but still, another begins to grow in its place. Just as the green leaves sprout in the spring, so does your green heart, which is continually desiring to blossom, but you have to burn away what no longer serves your heart. Dearest ones, all humans have a choice, a choice to live in the world they desire, but in order to have happiness and peace and unending love, you must first make the choice, the choice that you simply will not tolerate any negativity in your life. Humans are endowed with free will, meaning your spirit, your heart, lives and believes whatever it chooses, That means neither I, nor any archangel, nor any ascended master, or light being, or ancestor, or even the universal all, can interfere with what you desire, if your intentions are pure of heart. This also means that I, and the angels, and light beings of all kinds, can and will help you, all that you must do is ask, and once youve asked, be open to our responses. We are not flesh and blood, we are light, and energy, and our messages come to you in so many ways, so that you may see the opportunities and inspirations we send, and then act on them! The universe supports the desires of your heart spirit dear ones, this is why you are here. You have made a choice to be here, right now, in this life for a purpose that benefits all life on earth, but you mustn't be scared any longer, you must trust that your wildest dreams can come true, that you deserve to have them come true, and others around you will benefit from your joy. When you follow your heart and find your own true happiness, you inspire others to do the same for themselves, and when humans are truly happy with who they are and connect to their divine purpose, there is no longer room in the spirit for hate, jealously, anger, etc., there is only love and joy in the feeling of all of creation supporting your heart. So my darling humans, be free to live your truth. Stop allowing yourself and anyone else keep you from living your joy! Work on releasing clouded negative feelings through your chakras, especially your heart, and reinvigorate your soul, aim towards the life of your dreams. As always, I and the archangels can help you, just ask, send the intention from your heart space, and ask for our intervention, and so shall we help you. I am trulu thankful to speak to you all this way, I send numerous angel blessings to each of you, and the energy of cleansing blue to the world. Peace be with you all. Me- Thank you so very much Archangel Michael. Wow! I am so honored to have channeled this message for all of us here on earth. Thank you for stopping by to read this moving message by a very special archangel. Sending big feathery angel wing hugs to y'all. -C.Lucine P.S. Here is the link to the awesome attunement that I did earlier today. It is a powerful cleansing experience, and I hope you guys dig it as much as I do! Archangel Michael Attunement:
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Cassandra Lucine
Is an artist and mystic living in the Pacific Northwest. She first discovered her ability to channel extraterrestrial and divine beings in 2014 after connecting with her own spirit guides. The intention of sharing these messages is to help awaken an individual's curiosity to the possibilities of the universe and expand on the ideas of human potential. Archives
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